A Special Gathering

My Writings,Kuro Okami (Lucy),Poppy Ghostraven,Friends,gabysweethartz (Gaby),

Lucy, Poppy, Gaby, and Lori

It's not every day that I get the great opportunity to see three of my most beloved friends 
all together at the same time.  Actually, many months have passed for this rare 
but beautiful moment to happen again.

Gaby, my little one, is the one I get to see most days.
Poppy Ghostraven who is my Second Life Sister I see occasionally due to her real-life busy schedule.
But Lucy, (Kuro Okami) rarely visits Second Life nowadays.
It is not by choice but due to having log-in difficulties.

Yesterday, finally the day came when we got to be the four of us all together
like we used to do in the old days. That is why this photo means so much to me.
It represents lasting friendships. The love we share for each other hasn't changed at all.
It manages to remain strong and sincere through time.

The one and most important thing that makes Second Life such a beautiful world 
are the wonderful friends we get to make. I have been blessed with many friendships 
that I am very proud of. I feel so loved and for me, their love is a blessing. 
It is the best gift anyone can give me.