The Woman by The Pond

Featuring Giz Seorn

KALEO - Way Down We Go (Official Video)

Standing barefooted right at the edge of the deep pond, I see a figure standing on the other side. It is a woman
with long brown hair wearing a white dress that also stands right on the edge perfectly across from me.  
We are surrounded by dense trees. The trees seem to be unnaturally tall. I hurt my neck as I try
looking at their top, I can't, they seem to have no end. They are covered in heavy-mossy leaves that
occasionally glimmer with the moon's light, however, they seem dead.

It is night, night painted in hues of creepy grays and it is cold, but not so cold, 
just cold enough to give me chills, especially with the wind that feels like frozen feathers touching my
skin as it passes by. I cross my arms in an intend to keep myself warm, but still, 
I continue to feel cold under the white dress that I am wearing. 

The wind begins to pick up blowing my long hair onto my face and covering my eyes.
I hold my hair back with my left hand and look for the woman across the pond.
And I see her still standing there, motionlessly as the wind blows her long hair and covering her face
too but she seems not to care.

The dark, black clouds slowly move in the sky exposing the moon for a few seconds and slightly
lighting the night, allowing me to better see the woman. She has been standing very still, like a statue,
and so have I. We are standing about thirty to forty feet away from each other in the middle of the 
dry-grassy circle with only the pond between us. 

Minutes pass in a silence that is broken only by the sounds of the wind.
I finally focus on the woman's face and realize that it is me who I am looking at.
It is almost like looking into a mirror. However, she seems lifeless, there's no soul in
her eyes even though she is looking straight into mine.

Suddenly, she lifts her left hand and motions for me to go to her. I look down at the pond 
and notice that is full of dark, muddy water with a smell of rottenness,
still, and not knowing why I jump in. Immediately as my body is submerged in the thick muddy water, 
I feel hundreds of sharp thorns cutting through my skin like razor blades. I begin to scream
and cry in pain as I try to swim across. The thickness of the muddy water makes it almost
impossible to move even an inch, still, I continue to try, and try, and try, moving very little with each
try. It is like hands holding me back in place restricting me from advancing while the 
thorn-infested mud continues to mercilessly cut me with every move I make. Time feels like an 
eternity and I can't breathe anymore, I feel so tired but I continue...
and finally, I reach the other edge.

I get out, my body covered in mud and my own blood feels heavy and I collapse to my knees.
I look for the woman but she is no longer there. My body begins to tremble uncontrollably with the cold wind.
The temperature has dropped drastically, and I am freezing now.

I look up and she is now standing motionless on the other side, where I was standing before.
She is looking at me with tears in her eyes.
However, she lifts her left hand and motions me to go to her again.
And again and not knowing why, I do.
I jump into the thorn-infested mud that smells like death in the middle of the freezing night,
and the torment begins again...

and again and again... and again.

Hello Beautiful World!

The above is a dream I had some time ago.
My dreams are usually very intense, almost like movies. They are very detailed that usually when
I wake up, I can still remember smells and the smallest of things.
My daughter is actually fascinated by them even though the majority are on the dark side, like
the one I am sharing with you today.

In this dream, the other me kept making me jump into that pond over and over again and I, for
some unknown reason kept doing it even though I knew it would be painful.
My dream didn't have a different ending from what I wrote. I just kept swimming across the pond
back and forth over and over again.

My interpretation of this dream is that most times I am very hard on myself when things go wrong,
even when they are not related to me directly. I can't help feeling guilty as if I could have done something 
to help situations and people. I expect and ask myself to do things that are not required
from my person. I really have to learn to accept that I can't hold myself responsible for things
that are out of my control.

Anyway, I love writing my dreams down and I just wish I had more happy ones to share with you.
HERE, you can read more of them. I do have many more however most of my blog posts had to be
reverted to drafts when my whole blog messed up while I was trying to make some changes to the
layout. I had not saved the blog so with a click of a key, all my posts were unreadable. I have been
working little by little to bring them all back but it's gonna take some time.
1,327 blog posts down, 2,508 to go.

Thanks for your visit my beautiful people!
Much love,
Lori Novo

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Model & Photographer Lori Novo
Thanks to my wonderful ●Sponsors for their kind support!


Giz Seorn - 'Helen' Dress
Freya - Isis - Hourglass - Maitreya

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