Don't Call Me Angel


According to a survey I took online a few years ago I am destined to go to hell when I die.
What the hell! >:(

Hello Beautiful World!
So this survey was to know when people die where they would be going to, heaven or hell? 
Not only that, according to the survey, there are like twelve levels to hell, of course, those who
sinned the most would go to the lower levels and this dumb survey predicted that according to
the answers I gave, I'll be going second to last, are you serious?! >:(


I answered truthfully thinking my sins weren't THAT bad since I never killed anyone or done
anything super bad, I am actually a very boring person. :P
I have stolen a grape here and there when I go to the supermarket but who hasn't. I might have looked
at some nude/dirty pictures in Second Life but in my defense how can I not if many people
add their porn to Flickr and there's no way to avoid it and I was curious ok? :P

Maybe I should have lied when answering the dumb questions, oh wait, lying for sure
would take me all the way to hell's basement and basements scare me, there are usually rats there.
I'll just keep my second-to-last spot. :P

Thanks For Reading!
Much Love,
Lori Novo

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