Laurel's Nightmare 2022 ● The Blob & American Wolf


Welcome, This is


PLOP PLOP PLOP, what you hear is the Blob coming your way. I bet it hit you
so unexpectedly without any warning, but what can I say, we start today with a special, two
rooms for the price of one. BOOOAHAHAHA :P

This movie has PLOP PLOP PLOPPED on our screens three times that I know of.
First back in 1958, then again in 1972, and as if it wasn't already enough, it returned for the third time 
in 1988 still hungry for more. There may be more sequels to this film that I may not know about.

I have seen all three movies already and for me, it is just an okay film. Not much of a fan of this one.
But for those of you that do like it, you can read more about it in The Strange History Of The Blob Movies.

Now leaving room seven and ready to enter the next one.
Are you ready?

Is that my Steppenwolf calling?

Welcome, this is

And here again, we have another just an okay movie for me, sorry! :P
Still, both movies in this post I would watch again because they are part of every October's horror
movie marathon and I do not like to skip things when they are part of things that I like.

Today I'll be sharing something that has happened to me a few times this year,
where things just disappear and then will appear again days/weeks later.

For example, one day my reading glasses fell down to the floor by my desk and one of the lenses 
came off. I picked up the broken glasses but the lens that had fallen off was further down my desk 
and I couldn't reach it. I actually saw exactly where it had landed. So I went to get my son so he 
could help me get the lens. But when we got to my desk, the lens was no longer where I had seen it. It
had disappeared somehow. We looked and looked for it for a long time. My son even moved my desk 
and everything around it. But we couldn't find it anywhere so we gave up.

A few days later when I went to my desk to check my emails, I found the lens right next to my
keyboard. I went to my son's room to thank him for finding it but he said he wasn't the one who did.
We both looked at each other and then begin to laugh. We always laugh when unexplainable
 things like this happen. :P

Ahhhh, the sweet taste of fear, just like sugar and pepper but without the sugar, so just the pepper,
and lots of it. :P Let's move on to our next room. Ready or not, here we come!

Daffodil ~ Magika ● KUNGLERS - Medeia Bracelets ● amias - ALYA dress coffee 
Shania Boots ~ Finale Couture

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