It's a Beautifully Beautiful Day

Meet beautiful Immeke!

"A moment to reflect on the beautiful truth that a heart is like a garden.
With Roses of Happiness, there would be thorns of pain, 
with Sunflowers of Joy, there would be weeds of dismay, 
with colours of Sunshine there would be covers of cloud, 
after all that's what makes a beautiful garden, a garden that thrives and breathes 
in all seasons with every hue of Life, 
every emotion that makes our heart alive in tears and smiles, 
feeling all the numbness of Life yet warming up to the possibility of a new day 
as the fallen leaves make way for the new ones, 
as the bee hums along a bud to see a blossoming rose no matter the thorns, 
no matter the waves of Life.

It is a beautifully beautiful day, and I am happy to be alive.
Alive to the possibility of a new day, 
a tomorrow where a whole new garden of new experiences awaits.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
― Debatrayee Banerjee

Hello Beautiful World!
Early in the morning, I decided to visit Tempura Island, something that I always do only at nighttime
but for some reason that I didn't know, today I woke up with the need to visit this beautiful place. Soon
after arrival, the reason for this need became clear to me. There, the inspiration I had been lacking for
my photography returned to me after talking to a friend that was also visiting the beautiful island. Little
does he know that our encounter helped me in such a wonderful way.

While chatting with him about photography, something that we both love, I caught a beautiful image in
the corner of my eye. It was of a beautiful girl in a yellow dress sitting on the bridge and smiling as she
looked up to the sky. What my eyes were seeing was something so beautiful that I felt I had to capture
with my camera. I was smiling as I was taking her pictures and felt the excitement of having the honor
 of capturing this beautiful moment in these images. Once my friend and I parted and said our goodbyes,
I knew I was back, back to doing what I loved the most, my photography and my blog.

Thanks for reading my beautiful people and for all your love and support!
Have an amazing day and keep spreading the love.
Much Love,
Lori Novo

Immeke Jansen, a wonderful photographer. You can view her work HERE.
Location: Tempura Island

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