"Sitting in an English garden
Waiting for the sun
If the sun don't come you get a tan
From standing in the English rain
I'm Craying..."

Hello Beautiful Second Life!
Hope you all are having an amazing Valentine's Day, much love to everyone!
Before I give up my location, I would like to send a shout-out to ŠÇЯЄĄΜΙΝĞ  ŢØÀŠŢ (screamingtoast)
who was the inspiration for this blog post.

"I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob..."

I was immediately attracted to his amazing avatar as we crossed paths and had to make a cam U-turn
to follow him. I was carefully studying every item that he was wearing and noticed that I had
the same hat and glasses as his and I thought... Mmm, why don't I try to put together his same look
just for fun? So I ran home and I went into action digging for the hat and glasses. I was glad to still
find him when I got back to the event. So this one's for you ŠÇЯЄĄΜΙΝĞ  ŢØÀŠŢ!


ŠÇЯЄĄΜΙΝĞ  ŢØÀŠŢ other than just being a bit strange, as his profile says, he is the owner of 
  WHOLE.WHEAT Landscape& Creation. He designs everything from Sim landscapes, store designs, event designs, etc. By the way, I have included a list on Read More (Very Bottom) of some of the items he was wearing when I took his picture in case you are interested. But now let's get to my location.

Welcome this is

February round of Abnormality, a furry and human alternative shopping event!
Aquatic goodies galore!

"Sometimes when you go down to the water's edge and listen,
you might hear a song being sung. 
Follow that song, dive in the water,
follow it as a guiding light. 
Because where it leads is unlike anything you can imagine. <3
Toastbutt is sleepin with the fishes.......... 0.0"

This event opened on the 7th and will run all the way to the 28th, so make sure you pay it a visit
and check out all the great exclusives offered for this month by some of our best Second Life designers.
Also, make sure to look out for the free gifts that you can pick up without the need to join any groups.

 ʙᴀᴋɪ (iatin): steals ur shark
ʙᴀᴋɪ (iatin): mine now
Lori Novo: noooo, mine mine!!!

Oh man! :/  Baki, why don't you get your own free shark and give me back mine?
That was gonna be my Valentine's Day dinner tonight, dang it!  >:P
By the way, Baki is a variety gamer/streamer on Twitch, I wonder if he plays Grand Theft Auto 
which is my favorite. I'll be sure to give him a follow. :)

Now, you too can get your own free shark which is one of the two free gifts that were my favorite.
They are the Baby Megalodon Follower Pet and the [Cubic Cherry] {nICE cubes} set.

These are some of my favorite things from the event.

I leave you now with some wise words to live by...
"Listen to me
The human world, it's a mess
Life under the sea
Is better than anything they got up there..."

Credits On Me
Wasabi // Sapporo HW Ed. Hair ● Rowne.Emina Bikini Set - White Top ● -ROUXS- scratches face Vol.2 - lelutka evox
Pseudo- Jack Shearling Jacket Black ● STOP-Tumblr Pants-Black ● Cameo Body Art A15A "ENDLESS V1" Tattoo
.STOIC. BATTY SHADES ● Pare. Zeus Tulip Hat - Onyx ● CODEX_Kiore gauged F (Swallow Gauged XL)
~~ Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe  Lips Piercing Jonna:.

What is  ŠÇЯЄĄΜΙΝĞ  ŢØÀŠŢ wearing?
LeL EvoX LOGAN Head 3.1
[BODY] Legacy
Dura-U124 [B]: Men's Hair
N E X U S  HD nails v.4  [ legacy ]
^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL Ears
ANATOMY - GLOW RING  - RED glow pupil (Eye)
ANATOMY - Villain Eyes
*Queen oF Ink [Spark] - Albino blue (Eye)
.random.Matter. - Taint Septum - Gold
[Hipster Style] MESH Beard
::GB:: Off-shoulder down jacket BLACK
Hotdog - Big gap Teeth . Dark
Void&Minttea - Aether Vines Halo
[NikotiN] Holder Cigarette - Princess
Pare.Zeus Tulip Hat - Onyx
RO - Megahertz Earphones (Neck)
[CX] Keys of the Nine
.Tardfish. Enchanted Butterfly
RAWR! Macho Set Legacy MALE
-egotomb- 420 Stripe - SGXL - M - Tunnel

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