The Happy Hoarder

She's a happy hoarder, as her profile says,
A happy hoarder of pretty things.

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet my good friend Suzanne Cyberstar, one of the sweetest people you can ever meet in your life. 
Suzanne and I have so many things in common that we even consider ourselves twins. The way we view life is
very similar and we love and enjoy many of the same things. For one, we both have pets that we adore. I have cats and she has dogs. One thing you should know about this sweet lady is that she adopted
a doggie years ago, that doggie is blind and requires special care, Suzanne tends to him and her other doggies with so much love and not once have I heard her complain. Her doggies come first and she will
be there so lovingly whenever they need her. That just tells you what a wonderful human she is.

I've known Suzanne for a while now and every time we talk, I walk away with a smile on my face.
She just brightens your day with her beautiful and happy soul.  

I met Suzanne at one of the gacha shops she used to have. It was a big barn packed with all sorts
of great gacha items at a very low price of 25L each. Now she is part-owner of Gacha is My Happiness
together with Woody Arnahan. What they started as a little gacha market not too long ago, now, it has
tripled its size due to its success, truly a nice and friendly market to go look for amazing items to add to your collection and also for those hidden treasures that are always so exciting to find.

My good friend is also very excited about her new upcoming event Dreamweavers which is opening on
September 4 with a huge lineup of new releases from many of our favorite SL designers. This will be a great new gacha event in Second Life similar to Gacha Garden and Arcade, you really don't want to miss it. I already had a little peek of the event and all I can say is that I love it already. Days before it opens I'll be posting LM here for you all my beautiful people. ;)

Another thing that I found out yesterday when I visited my good friend's home is that now she is
creating/designing gacha items, WHAT? when does she have the time? She loves keeping herself
busy as a bee, running from one side of Second Life to the other, and leaving smiles on every person that she runs into. Not only that, but she is also so passionate about everything she does that it's almost contagious, I love it!

Below are three pictures Suzanne shared with me of her beautiful island,
OMG, I want to move in! :P

Thanks for reading my beautiful people!
Much love,
Lori Novo

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