A Green Pearl

“Do not be hardened by the pain
and the cruelty of this world.
Be strong enough to be gentle,
to be soft and supple like running water,
gracefully bending around sudden turns,
lithely waving in strong winds,
freely flowing over sharp rocks,
all the while quietly sculpting
this hard world into ever deeper beauty,
gently eroding rigid rock into silken sand,
tenderly transforming human cruelty
into human kindness.
Remember, true strength is not found in the stone,
but in the water that shapes the stone.”
― L.R. Knost

Hello Beautiful World!
Protect your heart and the beautiful spirit that lives within all of us.
Don't let anything stain them with any negative feelings.
Forgive and forget because the pain and anger will only last
until we fill our hearts with so much love and happiness 
that it'll leave no room for anything else.
Much Love,
Lori Novo

By the way, I am so honored and thankful for this beautiful picture that AyE | 4муღ made for me.
She is one of the greatest, top photographers we have. Her work is truly amazing. 

Credits for First Picture
LOTUS. Soulful Eyes 09
Hair - Sweet _ Lamb
Kibitz - Sisanie Headdress - Silver 3
Fiona Gacha (Yellow Wreath) Nanika
Grizzly Creek Free Eurasian Tree Sparrow Shoulder Pet

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