Dream Another Dream

Hello Beautiful World!

Looking around I realize how many hearts are being broken in Second Life every day.
Earlier today I had one of my closest friends come to me in search of some advice. He was 
terribly hurt and just wanted to delete his account. His three-year relationship with his girlfriend
had just ended and he didn't know how to deal with the loss. I know we all have been there so we can
understand what he is going through, I was trying to find the right words to help him but I felt I was
failing. One of my biggest sadness is when a friend needs help and I just don't know how to help.

After he left, I was left very sad and then I remembered something I had written years ago when I
too, had my heart broken by someone that not only did I love and trust, but someone that I 
admired and looked up to.

I am now sharing with you what I wrote years ago...

Not all dreams do come true and not every story has a happy ending. 

So many times I have gone through the pain of losing someone 

that I very much loved and held very close to my heart. 

But I have always found the strength within myself to pull through 

and continue my journey in life.

The pain for the loss is different depending on how that person has touched my life.

Sometimes it hurts a little, but oh Lord, sometimes it hurts so much! 

This time, my loss was great and the only thing left was emptiness, regret, and sorrow. 

I was so affected that I felt the need to escape from the reality.

 And as always, I ran away, hid, and cried.

I spent a few days away from everything... 

from everyone and went to shelter myself in the arms of my solitude. 

I remained there feeling abandoned and helpless and somehow feeling sorry for myself...

what a shame!

But after the storm, calmness comes and after the darkness, the light will reappear... 

the light of hope. This light always seems too far away and almost unreachable. 

It is understandable since I had fallen way deep into the darkness of sadness 

and lost all hope. But thankfully I have never lost focus on that distant light. 

And my goal is always to reach it no matter how hard the struggle or the time it requires. 

It is well worth it.

I have two choices, 

either stay in the darkness and continue to feel, empty, lonely, and sorry for myself, 

or say ENOUGH!!! There is a life out there waiting for me

 and I refuse to waste away another day by feeling like a victim. 

I am a survivor of every circumstance and I will pick myself up, 

dry up my tears, and wear my best smile. I was born to be happy, 

and I'll be damn if I let anyone stop that from happening.

I only have one life to live, it is a blank canvas where I hold the brush 

and decide how I want to paint on it. It is my canvas, my life, my right, my dreams. 

I am the sole painter of this canvas, I am the artist! 

I have decided that my painting will be a masterpiece, 

full of color, life, and love.

The end of a dream doesn't mean the end of life. 

If a dream dies, dream another dream...  and another. 

Love, dream, live, and smile

 even when there are still tears in our eyes.

Thanks for reading my beautiful people!

Much Love,

Lori Novo


Faenzo - UFFIE hair

Baiastice_Boudicca Jewelry Set-All Colors by HUD

GIZ SEORN: Alejandra Formal Dress (Details) @ Tlalli Fair Around the World Mexico (Ends Sep. 28)

Location:  STRUKTURO ver.1.1. (Moderate) Cafe Arbaro

Maitreya Mesh Body
Model & Photographer Lori Novo
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