The Dancing Dolls

 A short story by me, Enjoy!

The theater is quiet, too quiet to even dare to breathe because sometimes breaths can be heard
in the death of silence. In position, the group of dolls waits for the signal to start performing for their
audience. Their audience consists of a single woman who sits way back in the last row in the cold and dark
theater. Emotionless, they all lock their eyes on her face while the waiting continues. The woman focuses on
the center of the stage, looking at the doll that sits on a red throne.

Finally, the silence is broken by the closing and immediate opening of the purple velvet curtains
on the stage. This is the signal the group of dolls had been waiting for, and the performance begins.

The music begins to play and they all begin to dance around.

The woman covers her ears as the sound of the music begins to rise to a point where the volume
becomes unbearable. The dolls continue to dance and now they all have big smiles, smiles that look
creepy and fake, more like a sign of pain. Suddenly the music stops, freezing in position each of the dolls, which only turn their heads to lock their eyes again on the woman's face, and one by one they all start falling down making a big THUMP sound as they hit the floor, thumps that sound like thunder on a stormless night.

The woman stands up from her seat when the last of the dolls has fallen and starts running towards the stage.
She begins to check each of the dolls for any sign of life, but they are all cold like a block of ice.
Their eyes are closed but the big smiles have remained on their faces. She drops to her knees, 
weak from the sadness that she feels for the dolls, and then everything goes black, and the dead silence returns.

Her eyes open and she notices a woman sitting on the last row of the theater. Suddenly the purple, velvet
curtains on the stage close and immediately open again and she stands up from the red throne
and she begins to dance.

Thanks For Reading!
Much Love,
Lori Novo

Dolls featured are part of the New Ball Jointed Doll Collection by Baiastice
available now at The Arcade
View the complete collection HERE.

My Baiastice Inventory ● Designer Sissy Pessoa

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