Snif Snif Cry Cry

Hello Beautiful World.

Today I come to you as a sad jack-o-lantern. Hopefully, today will be a better day.
Actually, I KNOW it will be better, for sure, now that's the attitude!

Yesterday my day started very well, then it went bad then it got worse and then it ended the worst 
ever. I got everything from getting disrespected to getting not-so-nice off-line messages and finally heartbroken.
Omg, you should have seen me, I cried almost all day long like a Magdalene. But I always remember that one should take the bad days just as we like to take the good ones. 

So to cheer me up I decided just to be silly and dress up like a jack-o-lantern just for funs.
Imagine me crying, tears running down my face and I got a runny nose too so I had tears and...
well, you know what I am talking about. Everything was running down my face and I had to keep
sniffing and wiping my face constantly because I kept getting a salty taste in my mouth. :O
I was a total disaster walking down the two events that I am about to share with you.

Snif Snif Cry Cry Snif Snif

Then suddenly an angel fell from the sky to put some smiles on my frowny face.
It was no other than my friend Darren who had just logged in and almost made punkinuacamole out of 
me when he almost landed on my head.

Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): hola Lorina
Lori Novo: holaaaaaa guapeton (guapeton means like cutie pie but much better)

Then I thought it would be a good idea to take our picture together just to prove that angels do exist
and they will come when we need them the most...

We stand side by side posing...
Lori Novo: ok, now we wait an hour
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): jaj
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): because of the lag?
Lori Novo: yup, like an hour
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): mmm ya valio (this means "I'm screwed")

Oh come on Darren, it ain't that bad. You get to stand here with me for an hour and watch the grass grow.

An hour later...
Lori Novo: oh I think I got it, I can't see your face well, looks blurry 
and you're missing the eyebrows but that doesn't matter, 
I came out so precious.
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): eh
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): I have to come out perfectooooo
Lori Novo: ah ok
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): flawless
Lori Novo: ok we wait another hour
Darren (darrencamil.chronowire): jajajja

And finally, I was able to take our picture.
By the way, I think Darren is still looking for a boyfriend, just saying (Winks).

And now, let's see the two new events...

Dream Weavers Gacha Event
From September 4 thru September 18

Hope to see you all there!

Event's  Gallery / Click On Pictures To View Full Size



Friday, Sep. 4 - Saturday - Sunday, Sep. 6
Halloween Gacha Sale @ Gacha is My Happiness

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