When Doves Cry

and just as it came, my wave returned to the ocean
taking with it my newfound joy...

Dear Second Life,

I don't know how to write these lines.
I find myself so heartbroken.
Sometimes I... just don't want to be here anymore.
Today I lost another one of my dear friends and I just can't keep these tears inside.

My sweet friend.
He has decided to say goodbye
to Second Life.

All those plans for our beautiful friendship.
They didn't even get a chance to start.
They fell to the ground as they were barely taking flight.

Who will play the violin for the dancing doves now?
Who will play the violin and make me cry when the music
my ears hear reaches my heart?
I felt there were so many beautiful days ahead for us to share
and make beautiful memories together, dear friend.

Dear Sab, my dear friend
I will always carry you in my heart and when I hear a violin playing
I'll remember you and I hope at that same moment
You remember me too...

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  1. Oh Lori you're writing just brings tears to a person's eyes You really should be an author I'm so very sorry for the loss of your friend but he's not really lost. He Will always have a place in your heart and you in his it's a better world to have met somebody like him so it's a blessing not a loss. There is so much pain and hurt in our world right now it's just broken I can totally understand his reasonings for leaving as I've seriously thought about it on more than one occasion, activities not only during the school day but also my prayers are with you my friend You're a bright and shining star for Flickr.... Keep shining bright for your friend and all the friends that care for you God bless Lori

  2. Dear lynncass it is you now that gives me support, thank you so much! Now it is your words that help me and you are right. What a beautiful blessing to have met such beautiful being like Sab and I just
    wish him all the happiness he deserves. I'll carry my friend always in my heart.

    Hugs you my dear lynncass, may your day be beautiful and blessed!
