
...and it makes me smile every time.

I don't know why, but every time that I think of the moment I met Sab, 
my eyes get very teary and I feel like I want to cry. My heart gets so full of beautiful
emotions like kindness, innocence, tenderness, etc. Everything about my friend touches me so deeply.

I had saved these pictures of Sab for days now because I wanted to find the right words to tell
you what having him as my friend means to me...

Sab Kuronja (sabljozubi): and welcome to my life
That is how Sab honored me with his beautiful friendship when we became friends.

at our feet lands a feather from an angel's wings
gently landing just between the both of us.
And as we bend to pick it up
our eyes met and all I could see
was all the tenderness in his heart.
And the moment turned into a heavenly melody
that I play again and again
and it makes me smile every time...
- Lori Novo

Everything about Sab gives me peace. The way we chat is like a calm and gentle ocean wave
reaching the shore during the storm. Each word is soothing and sweet, and tender and it just makes
me cry because I feel almost as if I am in the presence of an angel.

Sab Kuronja (sabljozubi): can i play my violin now?
Lori Novo: yes :)
Sab Kuronja (sabljozubi): :)

...and then he starts to play his violin and I am mesmerized by the beautiful moment of
watching my friend play to the white doves that dance above his head...
and my tears start to fall.

The beautiful Youtube violin music is one of his favorites and it is from his favorite violinist.

I've learned through the years that it is very easy to make new friends. 
The hard part is keeping them. Sab, I truly hope with all my heart that he'll be the friend that will
stay because it is so beautiful to find a person who is able to bring out the sweetest of feelings that
we keep in our hearts.

Sab loves to explore beautiful sims and loves photography just as much as I do.
He started a collection of the photography he takes and I gotta say, I sense so much emotion
and feeling in each one of his images. You can view his photography HERE.
Dear Sab, thank you again for your beautiful friendship.

And thank you my beautiful people for your visit 
and any time you are feeling down remember that even the birds
will sing and fly again after the storm. Stay Strong!

Much Love,
Lori Novo

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