A Simple Hello is the Key

Hello Beautiful World!

Another great week that is about to end pretty soon and honestly all I can say is that I feel like
every week just keeps getting better and better for me and I owe it all to all the wonderful people
that I get to meet every day. The other day in Tempura someone asked me how do I do it to have 
almost everyone in the Tai Chi circle talk to me? He said that it is very hard for him to talk to 
people and that most times after a few words exchanged they just walk away. My answer was 
very simple, I simply greet everyone I see and try to make them feel welcome. I usually start 
with a hello, which is the key that opens most doors to great conversations and I take it from there.
Usually, I will check people's profiles, and if I find something interesting/sweet/funny I will go 
from there. This is the best way for me to start conversations with strangers that many times 
lead to some wonderful friendships. 

One thing you should know is that I rarely start conversations with people based on their looks.
Notice I didn't say "never", I said "rarely" :P Anyways, what really interests me from a person 
is deeper than just the way he/she looks like. I really want to know the real person, what they
like, or what they don't like, or what makes them happy? Many times, actually, most times people 
will be very welcoming of me for a conversation. There have been those few times when someone
simply is not in the mood and so I will either get ignored or insulted. It is funny how a simple and
friendly hello can sometimes result in very nasty name-calling. This does make me sad but it 
still won't stop me. I will continue to say hello because that is my nature and I just can't help it.

While I am not shy or afraid to initiate a conversation, there have been times when it is the other 
person that beats me to it. Many times they are the ones that will IM me to say hello. I appreciate 
this very much especially when its a friendly person that is not out to flirt with me. I truly hate 
it when men flirt with me. Another thing that I hate when someone IM's me is when they start 
with the interrogation, asking me a million questions like how old am I or if I want to have sex, 
believe it or not, there's been times when I been asked that. I  remember years ago when a man 
even offered me 10L for sex. At first, I was furious, how dare he confuse me with a 
prostitute, but with a cheap one even worse. After that, I just couldn't stop laughing at what a 
dumb ass he was. Another time was an IM from a man who wanted to know how was my health. 
I am serious, the first thing he said was, "Hi, would you say you are a healthy 
woman, or do you get sick often?" I was confused about his question so I asked him why he 
wanted to know that, his answer was that he was looking for someone to get married to in RL, 
but that he didn't want to lose his time with an unhealthy woman. :O 
Smooth, very smooth guys. Are those your best pickup lines?

Steppenwolf just sent me this video he made about last night. 
You need to watch it all to see what happened at the end.
It wasn't good... :(

Good thing I can never stay angry at this man for too long. ;)

Now moving on to other things my beautiful people.
Today I begin to blog fashion again!!! I am so ready for it and very excited.
However, I will continue blogging as I have been doing for these past two months.
I am having so much fun that I wouldn't dare to stop now. Being able to meet new people and chat
with them has to be one of the highlights of my Second Life. Thank you all for existing and for
being part of this beautiful world and making it so much special because without you in it,
it wouldn't be the same. ;)

Much Love,
Lori Novo

(NEW) KUNGLERS - Hayden rings @ Cosmopolitan Event 
(NEW) Baiastice - Cuckoo Jacket @ UBER Event
(NEW) Baiastice - Baiastice_Cuckoo Suit UBER Event
(NEW) Baiastice - Baiastice_Quetzal Booties UBER Event
Maitreya Mesh Body
Model & Photographer Lori Novo
Thanks to my wonderful ●Sponsors for their kind support!

My Kunglers Inventory ● Designer Ava Kungler
My Baiastice Inventory ● Designer Sissy Pessoa

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