“The metal door began to roll open as she held her breath.
Its parts creaked like the bones of a giant roused from his slumber, like a Lazarus
that had hidden his flaming heart within fireproof walls, patiently sleeping as the comatose do.
The smell hit her first. Mold. Dampness. Cold lifeless things.
Within, there was a darker sort of silence, as if the building had been holding its breath
for so long it had forgotten how to breathe.”
― Angela Panayotopulos, The Wake Up
Last night, it was in this place where my Steppenwolf popped the question
and gave me the biggest diamond. But I'll get to that further down. ;)
Hello Beautiful Second Life! Wishing you a most beautiful day full of laughter and love.
Welcome, this is
As you all already know this beautiful location has been open for about a week already. Almost every
Second Life photographer has visited it and beautifully captured it with their lens. I couldn't be the
exception to do the same, capture it forever in my photography, and learn the story behind
Hotel Del Salto, which translates to Hotel of Leap.
Constructed in San Antonio del Tequendama, Columbia, back in the early 1920s, Hotel Del Salto,
also known as the Tequendama Falls Hotel, was initially used as a residential home for architect
Carlos Arturo Tapias. Later, in 1928, this beautiful construction opened its door to guests, to what was
then known as Hotel Del Santo. This beautiful construction was built along the Bogotá River
overlooking the Tequendama Falls, which is the indigenous Chibacha language of the Musica people
and translates to "he who participated downward". Legend says the indigenous Muisca people
used these beautiful waterfalls as an escape from the Spanish conquistadores by jumping into
their deaths to avoid captivity, and believing they would forever freely soar into the blue sky
by transforming into eagles at mid-fall.
But how can I place as beautiful as this one that once hosted the most luxurious parties through decades
and in the most beautiful of French architecture, can become so chillingly dark and at the same time so
interestingly appealing? It was the roaring of the 1920s when women attended these parties dressed
in glitz and glamour, stunning formal dresses, and elegantly accessorized with beautiful jewelry,
cloche hats, Bandeaus, and jeweled hair combs. Listening and dancing to Jazz and drinking bubbly
champagne. That was then, and now, the glamour and shine have faded away with time and
within the walls of Hotel Del Salto. As you walk in, only silence greets you.
It almost reminds me of the 2013 film The Great Gatsby starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
Haunted and surrounded by so many myths, this beautiful place that went from elegance
and glamour, and by fauna and flora, now, still stands strong and serves as a museum.
Throughout the years it has become an attraction to ghost hunters due to decades of people claiming
to see apparitions both inside the rooms and outside by the falls, some of these apparitions are believed to
be the spirits of the Muisca people speaking in a strange language. However, the claims of paranormal
activity have been around since the beginning. Murders and suicides are just two of the dark things
that are housed within the walls of the hotel where spirits can be seen peering from the big glass
windows and loud cries can be heard from within the building.
Now, the outside is just as scary as the inside.
For decades numerous people have jumped to their deaths at the hotel, committing suicide
which is attributed to a curse by the Muisca people on the land where the hotel was built.
Other deaths are not sure to be cleared as unfortunately accidents like falling off balconies, stairways,
etc. But accidents or not, there is no doubt that dark energy lives within the land.
The heavily polluted water on the land is so foul-smelling adding even more to the creepiness of it all.
Today the Tequendama Falls Museum of Biodiversity and Culture, formally known as Hotel Del Salto
represents a proud symbol of the country's heritage. Its doors were proudly and officially opened for
its very first exhibit “Caverns, ecosystems of the subterranean world,” back in 2013.
Lucky for us, we now get to see two videos of our beautiful location as it is now in the real world.
However, the second video is in Spanish. And after, the magical moment between my Steppenwolf and me.
A magical and most romantic moment...
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): i was looking to buy a cockatoo for you
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): but its not on SL Marketplace, where can i find it?
Lori Novo: what is that?
Lori Novo: like a huge diamond?
Lori Novo: :)))
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): no baby its that white bird right there
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): lol
Lori Novo: oh, I thought it was a diamond because it sounds like a diamond
Lori Novo: cockatoo, diamond, see, sounds like same thing
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): lol
Steppen Crescendo has sent you a gift: Steppen Crescendo sent you the following Second Life items:
Item: Cockatoo, Blue-eyed
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): ok i bought one for you
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): muazzz
Lori Novo: a you bought me a huge diamond, omgggg babyy tyyy
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): a cockatoo
Lori Novo: a cockatoo diamond?
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): no baby, a bird
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): but you can name it diamond if you want lol
Laters my beautifuls!
Much love,
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
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