In A Beautiful World

“The moon rose above the canopy 
and a dreamy mist swirled around our knees as we danced, 
fingers entwined and hearts in sync with the universe; 
just a prince and his princess, 
a boy and a girl, 
learning to love in a beautiful world.”

Hello Beautiful World!
Just writing a few lines, for now, to let you all know how things are on my side of the world.
But before I began, hoping that you all are doing well and enjoying life. 

I have been under the weather health-wise for a while now, that is the reason I haven't been blogging
as much as before. Thankfully, I have the most wonderful man taking good care of me and
giving me so much love and care (and cuddles too) that seem to work better than the medications
I have to take, my Steppenwolf is the best! Thank you baby, I mean, Dr. Steppenwolf. ;)

By the way, I have been receiving mail from people asking me all sorts of questions that I have decided
to write an "Inquiring Minds Want To Know" blog post sometime soon instead of answering each email individually.
I won't be answering every single question I have been asked because there are too many and
some are too personal that I prefer to plead the fifth for those ones. Instead, I'll just add a list of facts about myself. 

I really can't believe that there are people that are really interested in knowing things about my life
from what is my favorite color to have I ever cheated on my Steppenwolf in SL. :O
See what I mean? >:(

Well my beautiful people, this is all for now. Keep safe and spreading the love,
and don't forget to smile!

Much Love,
Lori Novo

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This Picture on Flickr as of August 20, 2021

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