And We Won't Stop

“Always remember, that YOU are the most beautiful woman in the world.
Your weight, your height, your eyes, your scars, your idiosyncrasies, your complexion, 
and your sartorial choices have nothing to do with beauty. 
The mirror lies darling. It does. 
Your heart is where all the beauty rests. 
And of course, it’s your smile that sprinkles a dash of magic! 
The world is a better place because of your gorgeous smile. 
Never walk out without a smile on your face, a zing in your step, 
and a high dose of faith in your heart.”
― Manprit Kaur

Hello Beautiful World!
Some time ago I was at a store trying some makeup demos when a couple came in (SL).
As I was busy trying on different demos I couldn't help but eavesdrop on what the couple
was talking about since they were communicating on local chat in Spanish. Unaware that I knew
how to read Spanish the girl started to comment to her boyfriend about me.
She was saying how horrible I looked and how much she hated my height.
She went on and on while I moved quietly around the store.
Her boyfriend was not saying a word to what she was saying, he remained quiet at that time,
I too remained quiet just listening as she unloaded so much negativity my way based
simply on my Avi's look. 

After a while when I was done and had made a few purchases I walked up to the couple
and stood in front of the girl and in Spanish said these words to her...

"I'm sorry that my look disgusts you. But I like it. I really do!
Have a beautiful day!"

"Hahaha", her boyfriend started laughing.
He then apologized for his girlfriend's words and continued to say that I had a beautiful avatar.
After that, the girl proceeded to excuse herself by saying that she wasn't talking about me even
though I was the only other person in the store and I had understood every insult and name-calling
very well, but I didn't have any interest in arguing my case. I remained quiet and this is why 
I think she felt bad because she then apologized for the things she had said.

"Have a beautiful day! :)"
I said again and POOF! I was gone.

Second Life is the place where we are free and have the power, and the right to choose 
how we want to look. In the real world where we are constantly confronted with problems,
illnesses, rejections, judgment, and so on, why can't we just let freely be and look however
we choose to be here? We don't have to like other people's choices, however, there is no need
to insult other people simply because we do not agree with the choices they have made.

In my blog section Paparazzi, I try to feature all the different look choices that people make.
Some looks I wish to duplicate while others, honestly, I wish I was brave enough to duplicate
since they are out of my comfort zone. However, their extreme differences in style are what makes
them all so wonderfully interesting-beautiful.

But in the end, what matters and makes any Avi a beautiful one is not how we look
but how we treat others. Remember, if it doesn't directly hurt us or our Second Life experience
we have no right to judge. Come and be as you want to be. Just do whatever makes you
happy and let others be happy as well!

"Remember only God can judge us
Forget the haters 'cause somebody loves ya..."

Much Love,
-Lori Novo

(NEW) KUNGLERS - Paradiso Earrings (Details) @ FaMESHed Event (Ends November 6)
TWIG$: Deja Hair (Past Group Gift) ● F.Q. Deejia Hairbase
1990 - Cum Set Nails ● Dead Dollz - Goode Dress - Red


  1. I know we all have different ideas of what is attractive in SL, but you have never been anything but gorgeous in your blog photos. I have not had the honor of running into you in world, but I expect you're just as spectacular there. :)

    1. Thank you so much Lysistrata for your beautiful comment, you are too kind! I really appreciated. It made my day, Hugs!
