Flowers From The Cemetery

“My dear,
Find what you love and let it kill you.
Let it drain you of your all.
Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness.
Let it kill you and let it devour your remains.
For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, 
but it’s much better to be killed by a lover.
~ Falsely yours”
― Kinky Friedman

As a child, I was surrounded by those who spoke constantly about La Llorona (The Weeping Woman).

Hola Beautifuls!
I lived in Mexico with my mother and grandmother in a small one-room house
right next to the woods. There was a wired fence that ran for miles and miles alongside the
neighborhood. On one side, were small-humbled houses, and on the other side the woods.
Now, there was a pile of rocks on the other side of the fence across our house. It was believed that
on some nights, the ghost of La Llorona would surface from underneath the rocks and would
walk our streets while she cried. Many claimed to have seen her or at least heard her cries.

For some reason, I never felt scared about what the grown-ups were saying about this ghost
even though all the other children were very fearful that you would rarely see them outside alone
 once it would get dark. The dark never stopped me. I was a brave little girl that even grown-ups
asked for my company when they needed to go out at night.

Now, I had reason to be fearful if I had chosen to be, but I never was.
I can honestly say that I had three encounters with the Llorona as a child. 

One time, my cousins were visiting us and one of them needed to go to the restroom.
Our restroom was outside far away from the house, so I accompany her so she wouldn't go alone.
When we got to the restroom and when I opened the door for her, there was a woman dressed 
all in white standing in there. Her head and face were covered in a
white veil. I shut the door close fast and turned to my cousin. At first, I thought I was the only one that
had seen her, but my cousin was already halfway to the house crying and screaming. For some reason,
I wanted to see if the woman was still there so I opened the door again but she was gone.

On another occasion, what I saw, more like found in an abandoned house in the woods, was a white
long dress that had blood in it. This happened while my mother had taken me and some of my friends to
gather blackberries in the woods and on our way back there was a really bad thunderstorm so we all
ran to the abandoned house. While we waited for the storm to pass, we were looking around and I
saw an old trunk and that's where I found the dress. I remember my mother screaming at me to drop the
dress when she saw me holding it up.

The third one was when I was already asleep one night and in my sleep, I could hear someone crying.
I woke up and I could hear very clearly a woman crying very loudly. But it sounded like when you
scream into an empty barrel, like echoing. She sounded so sad. I woke up my mother but she didn't
hear her, even though I was still hearing her. Her cries went on for a few minutes. After a while, they
started to fade away. The next morning my grandmother also said that she didn't hear her either. By the
afternoon there were rumors from other people that had heard the cries just like I did.

Next, I want to share this Youtube video of La Llorona haunted house at Universal Studios
in Hollywood. Enjoy!


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