🎪 Uri Jefferson's FREAKSHOW 2022 🎡


“Damn everything but the circus!....
The average 'painter' 'sculptor' 'poet' 'composer' 'playwright' 
is a person who cannot leap through a hoop from the back of a galloping horse, 
make people laugh with a clown's mouth, orchestrate twenty lions.”
― E.E. Cummings

WHAT?! Everything AND the circus!

Welcome, this is

Sim Description
Step back in time to the days of old, when circus sideshows and carnival freakshows 
toured the lands, wowing and awing all who dared to step through their gates.  
Witness the deformities, the contortions, the twisted, the oddities of nature! Halloween

OUCH! Hey, stop poking me around!

Hello My Beautiful Ones!
As a child, my mother took me two, maybe three times to the circus. What I remember the most very
vividly is my mother sitting next to me. That is truly the best circus memory I have and I wouldn't
change it for the world.

I asked around a few friends if they also got to visit a circus in their younger days and I was 
really surprised when they all said no. Every kid should go to the circus at least once when 
they are young because the experience is ten times better than how it is for an adult.
Still, I believe there's no true age to visit one and enjoy all the thrilling acts...

I haven't been to the circus now that I am an adult, but I do remember that on one occasion I did get to
see a so-called "freak". It was a young man kept in a cage holding a snake. The man looked like in a
daze while the snake moved slowly around his neck and head. I remember watching him for a while and
feeling so sad for this man while other people surrounded the cage. He had no horns or three arms, etc.
What I can remember is that he was considered a freak because he had lost a close friend to death and
he believed his friend had reincarnated into the snake that he was holding.

“We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.”
― John Hughes

“The man standing in the booth placing the tickets into her hands for the fun-house
loomed largely in front of her with arms comprised of iron muscle.
She remembered the gray cataract that covered over one of his eyes and the terrified feeling 
it gave her. She had been too young to understand the malady.
To her; his eye looked as though it belonged to a creature from the sea.
 A frightening creature composed of reptilian and fish like attributes, which would pull unsuspecting
prey underneath the darkest oceans. The smile on his face, with the crooked teeth, 
the cigar, contrasting with the bald head and unshaven face increased her sense of panic.”
― Jaime Allison Parker

So whether you're looking to enjoy some circus acts, carnival rides, freaks, or magic, Uri Jefferson's
Freakshow has it all. Just don't forget to show some Linden love during your visit if you can.
Remember that all donations big or small will be so greatly appreciated! ;)

Peace Out!
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
DOUX - Dua hairstyle ● Ascendant - Moly Outfit 05 ● WLS: [TOR] HORROR - Bloody Moon

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