My Heart Is Set On You

“Our eyes meet, and something dangerous sparks.
He hates you, I remind myself.
“Kiss me again,” he says, drunk and foolish. “Kiss me until I am sick of it.”
I feel those words, feel them like a kick to the stomach. He sees my expression and laughs, 
a sound full of mockery. I can’t tell which of us he’s laughing at.
He hates you. Even if he wants you, he hates you.
Maybe he hates you the more for it."
― Holly Black


Have you ever felt hopelessly wanting a man/woman that you can't have for whatever reasons?
I have. We want what we want but sometimes we can't have what we want but it's all okay.
Wanting someone usually doesn't last long, the feeling tends to fade away.
However, when the wanting turns into need, then we are in trouble.
Needing someone is deeper. It involves real heart feelings.

At first, I was very intrigued by Steppenwolf when I first met him. I found him very mysterious
and appealing, sometimes even unreachable even though he was always very charming with me.
With time as I got to know him better, I started to feel interested in him and enjoyed
very much every time we got to talk. His nearness made me nervously uneasy but in a 
good way. I begin to feel tummy butterflies even though I didn't want to accept it.

Later on, I begin to wonder how his kisses tasted and how it would feel to be in one of his hugs.
That is when I felt I begin to want him. But I hushed the feeling, it made me feel scared and
ashamed. But Steppenwolf was so extraordinary in everything he did and the way he would treat
me, even as friends. He respected me and never crossed the lines. And soon, I was needing him.
I needed his daily hellos, his smiles, and the minutes I would get to talk to him about music, books, etc.
I needed him for so many other beautiful things to share with him.

Finally, the day came when I had him forever in my life.

Wearing NEW From

This amazing Halloween costume contains a non-rigged skeleton short skirt with resizer, 
boots, and a rigged mesh corset for the bodies mentioned above!
Compatible with Maitreya - Perky - Legacy

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