Who Are You?


Silence can be loud. Loud enough to hurt your ears. I hear this silence many times in my dreams.
But in a house where ghosts are trapped, the silence will be broken with fainted weeps in the walls.
I also hear those weeps, just not in my dreams, but when I am wide awake...

Who are you? She asked.
Who do you want me to be? He answered.
I can be the end to your suffering. But I can also be the start of it.
I can be the darkness in your nightmares. 
Or the reason your heart paralyzes with fear.
Tell me, who do you want me to be?

Welcome, this is

Sim Description
On the hill, hidden behind big trees an old manor appears. Abandoned at first sight,
but then you notice the voices of haunted souls...
Haunted, witches, Halloween, ghosts, spiders, graveyard.

Hello Beautiful World!
There are so many haunted places that I wish I can get to cover before the month is over 
but I need to be realistic and that is that I am running out of time. :(
Does this place seem familiar to you?
It should, this is where Steppenwolf gave me a reading the other day,
you know, about the lovers I have.
Ha, now you do remember. ;)

That day, while I was exploring this location after Steppenwolf left, I was clicking on everything which 
is something I usually do when I am out exploring. That is the only way that sometimes I can discover
secret passages, animations, etc. So before, I used to tell my readers to click on everything every 
time I would share an Exploring Second Life post.

So as I was doing this, I started remembering my diva friend Juvie and I just 
started laughing and couldn't stop. The clicking reminded me of one time that Juvie listened
to my advice about "click on everything" and oh well, it didn't work too well for him.
He was so angry at me but I thought it was so funny and I couldn't stop laughing.

Juve: I was 2 minutes in that house and then that lol
Juve: I don t trust you now with your great places and you say yes you must sit and click everywhere

LOL, I still can't help but laugh. It was just so funny.
If you want to read the whole incident, you will find it HERE together with a picture Juvie took
of himself that day.

So I have been asked if nothing really scares me when it comes to haunted places,
both in Second Life and in real life. First, in Second Life no, NADA at all!
Now, in real life, I honestly am more afraid of a stranger breaking into my home, my ghosts
are harmless. I had people break into my home three times already.
The first time it happened I was terrified. The second time I was mostly annoyed
because what the hell, not again! Now, on the third time, I was furious and seriously ready to
beat up the intruder. Steppenwolf had to calm me down. but after the third time, Steppenwolf replaced
 all the door locks with really good ones and since then, I have felt very safe.

Who are you? She asked.
I am the darkness that follows you at night.
I am the cold that you feel when you turn around.
I am the hand that is taking you away.
I am inside you, hiding in your head.

Thanks For Reading!
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
DOUX - Becca Hairstyle ● KUNGLERS - Miray Jewelry Set ● SEUL - Tamra Twisted Blouse - Nude
*Just BECAUSE* Roberta Skirt - 22Brown ● TETRA - Horizon boots ● WLS: Daytime Shadows

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