Laurel's Nightmare 2022 ● Jaws


“There's nothing in the sea this fish would fear. Other fish run from bigger things. 
That's their instinct. But this fish doesn't run from anything. He doesn't fear.”
― Peter Benchley, Jaws

Hello Again!
While I am not at all a fan of swamp creatures, I am a huge one of the ocean ones.

Welcome, this is


Now, this is absolutely a great movie to watch. I for one like anything horror in the sea.
I've watched all four Jaw movies ( 1975, 1978, 1983, and 1987) and loved every single one of them. 

"This time it's personal."
-Jaws: The Revenge

I wish I had something to share with you about a scary experience in the ocean, but I have none.
However, I will share about a time when I visited my aunt Bea.

My aunt and her family lived away in the next town so I wouldn't visit her too often.
I had met one of her right next-door neighbors, a very friendly and sweet older lady that was in a
wheelchair. Every time I would visit my aunt, I would see her neighbor in her wheelchair sitting by a window
where she would always wave at me to say hi. Always with a beautiful smile.

So I had not seen my aunt in about a couple of months so on that Saturday I felt I owed her a visit.
When I arrived at my aunt's, I saw her neighbor as always, sitting in her wheelchair by the window. It
was drizzling so as I got out of my car, I waved at her as I hurried to my aunt's house.

I had a great time with my aunt, I helped her prepare dinner and then had a great time
having dinner with her and her family. After we finished eating we stayed at the table talking when she
suddenly says to me, "Oh did I tell you Marie passed away last Thursday?".
Now, Marie was her right-next neighbor, the lady in the wheelchair. I thought I had heard her wrong
since I had just seen her when I arrived. I asked my aunt what she had said and she told me how
her neighbor had gotten very sick and had died two days later in the hospital due to some complications.
I then told my aunt that I had just seen her neighbor waving hello to me and my aunt totally
freaked out.

When it was time to leave, as I was walking to my car, I turned to look at the neighbor's window to see
if I would see Marie again but the window was dark and she wasn't there. I never saw her again.
Rest in peace dear Marie.

Do you think we have time for another room? Let's see. ;)
Thanks For Reading!
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
Daisy Hair ~ Entwined ● KUNGLERS - Alima Necklace ● Rowne.Hye Vintage Crop - Navy
Rowne.Ihan Low Pants - Navy

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