Laurel's Nightmare 2022 ● Alien & Aliens


My mommy always said there were no monsters - 
no real ones - 
but there are, aren't there?

Welcome, this is

If you are a fan of Alien movies, you are in for a real treat with this one.
Hello Beautiful World!
This new room is another one of my favorite ones together with The War Of The Worlds.

YES! I am a huge fan of all alien movies (1979, 1986, 1992, 1997, 2012, 2017), especially the ones
starting Ripley (Sigourney Weaver). She was so badass and I wanted to be just like her. I can
watch these films over and over again and never get tired. They are just that good!

Laurel's alien room has been so perfectly put together that you feel you are in the movie.
Now, for this one, it wasn't just one room but several that I went through to cover the subject. It was
maybe three or four rooms, I really didn't count them. I wonder if this group of rooms counts as one 
or if they each count individually.

This room has been the busiest I've seen when it comes to visitors.
While I was there people kept coming in groups, couples, and friends. I was the only one there alone.
One person even said to me that I was brave before he continued on to the next room.

Now gather around my beautifuls, it is sharing time. ;)

When we first moved to our home, we weren't used to living in a big place. Keep in mind that this new
house was used as a small clinic /hospital back in the 30s and also a residence for a doctor.
The house itself was very big already but with the years it seems they kept adding more rooms
to each side's corners. So to go to some rooms, you need to go through others in order to get there.
The first weeks when we moved in, we would actually get lost and had a hard time finding each other.

It was around the first month we had moved in, one day while I was preparing lunch in the kitchen
and my daughter was with me drawing some pictures with a crayon on the table, I heard my son scream,
he was close to three years old at the time. His screams sounded far away and I couldn't tell exactly
where they were coming from. 

"Mommy Mommy!!!" he kept screaming and it sounded as if he was either hurt or scared.
I kept running from room to room calling him until finally, I found him in the back part of the house in
the laundry room. He was standing in one corner while his eyes were locked on the opposite corner
from him. He was pale as a sheet of paper and seemed terrified. I looked to see what he was seeing but I didn't
see anything at all. I picked him up and he held on so tight to me hiding his small face on my chest.
He kept crying while his little body trembled uncontrollably. I went all the way to the front porch and
sat on a chair while I kept my arms around my baby and then begin to rub his back to calm him down.
He continued to cry and repeatedly kept saying "the boy, the boy".

After a while, still crying, he begin pointing to the church that is across the street and kept telling
me to take him. So I held his hand and my daughter's hand and begin to walk to the church
but the doors were locked so we couldn't go in. Fortunately, behind the church, is a beautiful garden
that is hidden from sight because it is surrounded by a very tall brick fence. Once we were there my son
begin to calm down and soon after he was playing around with his sister. After a while when I noticed
he was okay I called him and sat him on my legs and I softly asked him...

Who did you see in the laundry room?
A boy.
Was this boy big or small?
he was a little boy.
Did this little boy hurt you?
Did he talk to you?
What was the little boy doing?
looking at me.
Did this little boy look nice?
I don't know

and he then jumped off my legs and continued to play.
We returned minutes later and my son seemed to have forgotten about the little boy he saw
because he continued to play happily with his sister.

Later that night when my kids were already asleep I went to the laundry room to look
for the little boy but I didn't see him, still, I said some words loud and clear to him.
It was something like this...
"I don't know why you are still here, maybe this is your home but it is ours now too.
We can all live here together as long as you don't hurt my children or frighten them again."

My son never saw the little boy again.

Time to continue our journey to another mystery room, So excited to see what's on the other side.
But it'll have to wait til tomorrow.

Sweet dreams!!!
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
Daisy Hair ~ Entwined ● KUNGLERS - Alima Necklace ● Rowne.Hye Vintage Crop - Navy
Rowne.Ihan Low Pants - Navy

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