My Grumpy Cat

 Oh lord!
Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?
Tito chill, life is good. Why do you need to go and make it so complicated?
Look at me when I am talking to you!
Ok fine, be that way!

Hello Beautiful World!
Tito is my daughter's cat whom I am catsitting for her (in real life). 
I was supposed to watch Tito for only a couple of weeks while she would settle down in her new
apartment, but it's been over two months now and Tito is still with us.
Now, I am hoping she doesn't take him away because I am very attached to him. <3

Tito's story is actually a funny one when it comes to his name.
At first, his name was Summner though I liked calling him Summer instead.
She named him that because she thought it was a girl kitty, we all did.
My daughter found Tito wandering around the apartment complex where she used to live 
when he was still a small cat. It was during winter so she took him in and that's how he became her baby.

Tito always liked playing rough and I was always scared of him, so when my daughter asked us if we
could watch him for her, I was worried that I would have to wear some sort of armor for protection for the two weeks he was supposed to stay with us, but Tito became very docile soon after he came into our home.

It was here at our home that we begin to call him Tito.
Actually, soon after it was discovered that Summner was indeed a boy kitty and not a girl one as we all
thought, the poor thing went through so many different names and I am sure new ones may still be 
on the horizon for him. 

Tito, chill, only happy thoughts! 
Imagine yourself at the beach like I do when I am in a grumpy mood.
Just imagine...

The warm sun on your skin, I mean your fur.
The sound of the waves, like a lullaby... shhhhh... zzZZZzz
The seagulls in the sky and the fluffy white clouds in the shape of elephants...

Now that Tito seems to be chilled, let's talk about my morning routine in Second Life.
I usually check on friends to see how they are doing and to say hello and wish them a beautiful day.
I do this first thing as soon as I log in and before I get busy with other things.
I also drink my Daily Dose of Glamour (Mug) which by the way, it is a group gift at Lacey Babes with
no fee to join the group. Love my mug I tell you, truly a timeless piece. <3

My glasses are one of the items I bought during the weekend's sales.
They are the Benji Glasses in gold by CUPID. I think they are still available at the discounted price
of 99L and they come in gold, silver, and black (colors sold separately). I got only the gold ones
because I am a gold freak but while I was taking the first picture I realized I had too much gold going on.
Now I wish I had gotten them also in black. Damn, me and my gold addiction!

Anyways, Before I go for now, just letting you know that I have a few of the JIAN 'dorable Danes
at my gacha shop. Most for 40L (while supplies last). They really need loving homes. <3

This is all for now my beautiful people. Need to go eat some yummy lunch now and maybe later
go out and explore a beautiful sim that my Steppenwolf took me to the other day
and where I took this picture Please don't ask. :P

Credits On Me
KUNGLERS - Rosa Set ● MOWIE - "Aella" Top ● MOGUL (Armidi Print Leggings) - 8

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