I'll Taste The Devil's Tears


So I made it to hell, now what?
That's how I feel, like someone just sent me to hell.
Today was supposed to be my pink day, remember the Barbie movie?
But instead of pink today I felt more like going black and dark.

You all already know how much I like all this scary stuff.
I might seriously think about just spending the whole day here, in SL hell.
I might just start feeling right at home. :P
I would show you more about this SL hell but honestly, it is too gruesome, even for me.
Not for the faint of heart.

Hell doesn't scare me, at least not the physical one. I don't believe in it.
I believe we all create our own hell in our heads just as we are also capable of creating our own heaven.
The choice is yours.
For me, at least right now, no Barbie movie and pink, bright sunshine.
Instead, I find refuge in the darkness of hell.
OUCH! hot HOT hot!

Never mind,
It's too hot here, I'll just go back to my studio and keep working on my inventory. :P
"Iced glass of lemonade, comiiiiing!"

Location: Hell (Adult)

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