“The eyes are one of the most powerful tools a woman can have.
With one look, she can relay the most intimate message.
After the connection is made, words cease to exist. ”
― Jennifer Salaiz

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet beautiful ෆ.. Ɱía ...ෆ (ooxxbabydollxxoo), our new beautiful lady for
───── ❝ 𝓛ife is a song, 𝓛ove is the music ❞ ─────
*P.S. Mostly AFK @clubs to listen to tunes while reading my book *
-From ෆ.. Ɱía ...ෆ's Profile
Can you guess what was the main thing that attracted my attention to Mia in a place
full of many other beautiful women?
If your guess was her eyes, you are right. The thing I find most beautiful
in other people is always their eyes both in real life and Second Life.
Could it be because they are the windows to the soul?
Now I have to say, Mia has one of the most beautiful eyes I've seen in all my years in Second Life.
Not only that, but her beautiful facial features add such alluring sweetness to her,
elevating the beauty of her eyes even more.
The beauty of her Avatar somehow iridescence from sultry and into an angelic sweetness about her,
leaving us not really knowing which of those two perceptions is stronger, and that just adds mystery to her,
which is a very appealing trait for any woman to have.
“Mystery is what makes women, woman. A woman without mystery is no woman.
She is a girl who has yet to discover the depths of her heart.”
― Imania Margria
Now her light-blonde hair and her white dress added more attribution to her angelic side.
However, once I had the chance to chat with her, I found that her beauty wasn't just limited to her
looks, but truly rooted from within, making her both beautiful inside and out.
For me, the most beautiful physical part of a person has always been the eyes.
I need to be looking into a person's eyes when I am talking to them or it it doesn't feel right.
Many times there is no need for words when you look into someone's eyes, all the answers
and emotions are there, genuine and clear. While the mouth can speak many lies, the eyes
only speak the truth. You can always tell when a person is really sad while they are
"happily" laughing just by looking them in the eyes. The eyes many times can tell us more
than words can ever do.
Now my love for eyes doesn't just stop at human eyes, animals' eyes also possess that magical
beauty just as human eyes do. You have no idea how happy I get when my kitties, Pollito and Tito
look me in the eyes. I see so much love and thankfulness in their eyes for me that I can't control
my joy. It is one of the best feelings when I get that beautiful eye connection with them.
Those are small moments in life when I get a little glimpse of their feline souls
that make me just go wow, WOW, wow! One of the best feelings ever.
This is all for now my beautiful people.
But before I go I want to thank our beautiful ෆ.. Ɱía ...ෆ (ooxxbabydollxxoo) for beautifying our
blog with her presence and sharing the song above with us. Thank You So Much! <3
Thank you all for stopping by, I appreciate it so much.
Take care and I'll be seeing you soon. Adiosss!
Much love,
Lori Novo
Some Of The Items ෆ.. Ɱía ...ෆ was wearing in these pictures
[ INITHIUM ] KUPRA V 2.21 ● MICHAN - Viva Piercing - Gold ● DOUX - Kiara Hairstyle
- Secrets - Stellate Necklace - Gold - ● RAWR! Dove Anklets Kupra ● / HEAD / lel EvoX FLEUR 3.1
BLAXIUM -Body Lights- Dim ● <Sibilla> Vipra anklets right ● <Sibilla> VIPRA LONG NAILS
<Sibilla> HERMOSA - VIPRA ● RAWR! Lunastra Necklaces Kupra ● VALUXIA - Aspen Hand Chain
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