Embraced by the stillness of midnight...
hushed my heart, do you hear that?
That is the sound of peace
like musical notes entwined.
No anger can take over my soul.
It is not allowed.
Only beautiful thoughts.
For midnight lullabies me to sleep
And the new morning will see me anew.
Fresh as the morning dew.
Pure as the first rays of light.
And warm like the sun on my skin.
I am at peace.
I am beautifully
bound for happiness and new dreams.
For the storm has passed.
And eyes will not look back.

-Written by Lori Novo

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet Leo (lionheart.barrowstone)!

"I am not pompous so I don't demand that people find some clever way of introducing themselves.
'Hi, how are you' or  'May I join you?' are both fine with me lol Note that I am crap at keeping up with
busy local chat so if I do not answer it is certainly not personal and you have my sincere apologies!"
-From His Profile

I had the pleasure of meeting Leo a few days ago at Tempura Island. I was immediately attracted
to his avatar as soon as my eyes came upon his presence. It was not only the Samurai battle armor
that he was wearing but the beauty of his physical avatar that attracted my attention to him. 
It was truly perfection in my eyes.
Of course, you already know me, I was very curious to find out more about him, and with no
hesitation I Imed him. He immediately replied and from that moment on, our long chat began.
We talked about everything from RP, cats and dogs, and The Last Samurai film.
Time really seemed to stop but at the same time, it seemed to fly of how much I was enjoying our chat.
It is always golden when you meet genuine good-hearted and polite people to chat with.

Then it was time to part ways.
He was at Tempura to show his friend around since she was very new to our beautiful Second Life,
but not before we agreed to continue our conversation the next time we run into each other.
Now, I will share with you something, every time I meet someone new, male or female,
I usually get different feelings that their presence provokes in me.
Sometimes the feelings can be from amusement to anger, awe, awkwardness, boredom, joy,
craziness to nostalgia, etc., with Leo, I felt peace. The peace that I needed.

Now maybe, just maybe, Leo was there in Tempura at the same time I was there by some divine
intervention without him or me even knowing. He was there to provide peace for someone
that was caring so much sadness on her shoulders. He might have been a passing angel that may
never cross paths with me again, but in those minutes that we got to be in each other's presence,
he completed the beautiful job that every human has on Earth, and that is to touch somebody's life
and bring some light to their darkness. Thank you Leo!

Thanks For Reading My Beautiful People!
Much love,
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
Sintiklia - Hair Katryn ● :V.e. Anastasia Dress Blush

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