Marcus Inkpen


Aren't happy girls the prettiest?
Of course they are!
But then again, even a cat would look prettier if it smiles... Wait, what? Cats can smile too? :P

"I was in the winter of my life
And the men I met along the road were my only summer
At night I fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them
Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour and my memories of them
were the only things that sustained me
And my only real happy times..."

I chose the above song for this blog post for two reasons;
First, I forgot to ask my new victim, I mean, the person I am about to introduce to you for a song choice.
And second, as soon as I saw him, he reminded me of the men from the video, and of course
I would be Lana Del Rey (Ha, I wish). :P
But seriously, if you haven't yet, really listen to the beautiful monologue in this song, truly some of the
most beautiful poetic words you'll ever hear/read.

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet Marcus Inkpen!

"Wizard. Creator of The Looking Glass and a ton of other things too.
Always hard at work in whichever world I'm in. Frequently AFK."
-Taken from his profile

[The Looking Glass is the joint creation of Marcus Inkpen and Sharni Azalee.
Featuring an art gallery, live music, particle shows, poetry readings, home and garden items,
buildings, and fashion from fantasy to surreal to steampunk to gothic.]

I'll be totally honest with you my beautiful people, when I noticed that Mr. Marcus was on Tempura
Island, and just a few yards away from me, I almost fainted. I was like star-struck which very rarely
happened to me in all my 13 years in Second Life. I would say that you can count with the fingers on
one hand (with fingers left) the times I had felt that thrilled to see someone of that caliber as Mr. Marcus.

Both pics taken from his profile

"When I'm not here (Second Life) I'm J Matthew Root- artist, composer, toy maker, storyteller, and wizard. 
My YouTube channel - J Matthew Root"

Now, I knew I just had to ask him for a photograph or at least say hello, and even though I was very
nervous and felt my legs like jello, I gathered some courage to IM him. Immediately upon receiving my
IM, I noticed him typing a reply. I was at the edge of my seat waiting, feeling excited, nervous, scared,
you name it, I was feeling it all as he kept typing. What is he going to say? I wondered. I was fearing a
"Shooo, stop bothering me!" or something like that but instead, I got this...

Marcus Inkpen: Hey you! :) LOL! I was just about to message you.
You've got some awesome stuff on your Flickr. Bravo! I like your work. :) How are you doing?

You can just imagine my joy, seriously, I had a smile from ear to ear.
Little me getting such a kind and beautiful compliment from such an amazing giant, how can that be
possible?! But it was! Marcus Inkpen turned out to be one of the friendliest people I ever met in Second
Life. Very down-to-earth and kind. He made me feel so comfortable that I no longer felt nervous
at all, and felt as if we were two old friends having a great conversation.
Needless to say, he really made my day!
Here's his Marketplace and your ride to his beautiful The Looking Glass sim.
And not forgetting his Flickr, go there and don't forget to give him a follow. 

And when it was time to part ways, the goodbye was just as nice as the hello...
Lori Novo: adiosssss
Marcus Inkpen: Have a great one! :)

I want to thank Mr. Marcus for honoring my blog with his presence and sending a huge hug his way.
Wishing him much love and happiness.

Thank you so much my beautiful people for stopping by.
I'll be seeing you soon again but until then, keep spreading the love around
and don't forget to wear your best smiles. ;)

Over & Out
Lori Novo

Marcus Inkpen: Hey! Thanx so much for the little write up and shout out! :) I loved it! (((Happy hugs back!!))) Please feel free to haunt our sim and say Hi whenever you like! :))

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