Like A Frog On A Spice Rack


You put on your beautiful sparkling gown as you check the time to make sure you'll
be ready on time when he comes to pick you up for what you hope will be a fairytale-Cinderella night.
You realize there's not enough time, only five minutes left and you still need to do your make-up, then
he texts you, "i’ll be late tonight baby, 30 minutes muazzz." And you are thinking "WHAT!!!"  >:(
I mean, "YAY!" Now 30 minutes is more than enough time to do your make-up.
With still ten minutes left, you are ready! Beautiful and excited to see the face he will make
when he sees you. All dress in red, his favorite color on you and smelling like roses.
Then, in the last three minutes, you get a new text from him, "can’t make it tonight baby sorry."

WHAT THE???!!!
and your face now matches your dress. You are not just angry, you are furious with fire coming out
from your mouth. Now you can either get in bed under the covers and cry and cry and cry...

"Why... why me, why, why, why?"
Ok, one "Why" is usually enough but you know, for special effects you need extra ones.:P
"But I look so pretty and I got the gown just for him." :((
Ok, the gown is really for me, but he would have gotten to see me in it.
"Even the very tiny rose on my hair is dying just like my heart."
Yes, you need to keep the drama going.
"Why, why, why?"

Your hair is messy and your makeup is smeared all over your face by now, because of all the crying.
And you are thinking how can you make him pay for breaking your heart this way.
AHA! You run to your kitchen and look for the powdered garlic on the spices rack and you 
start taking spoonfuls of it with the intention of not brushing your teeth so when he kisses you
the next day, they won't be the sweet kisses he is used to getting from you.
And you kick and cry and cry all night...
But if you do that remember that puffy eyes and garlic breath take time to go away...
just like the pain of a broken heart. :P

So this is option one.

Right On Picture: Enrico (enricogiulivi)
Option two, you get out of your beautiful sparkling gown and get into some tight jeans,
and let your hair down. Then, you head to Las Muchachas Club to have a fun night dancing.

I personally prefer option two,
That way you won't be waking up looking like a frog and smelling like your spice rack.

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