

“His dear face, dear to her, dearer still.
how could she love his face more for its damage? 
What kind of person saw someone's suffering and felt her heart crack open even wider,
even more sweetly than before?
There was something wrong with her. 
It was wrong to want to touch a scar and call it beautiful.”
― Marie Rutkoski

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet JustSomeRandomGuy (retrogamer78)!

"Life is precious .... A good spirit taught me that not so long ago!. 
Hi im justsomerandomguy ..... or in other words Rando ...
I am very friendly and approachable in here if you want to say hi to me don`t hesitate :)"
-From His Profile

I met Rando this past Saturday when I visited Tempura for some Tai Chi.
Honestly, I was feeling a bit down and decided to go for a few minutes to find some peace.
Now, my beautiful Tempura after all these years never seems to fail me.
Not only did I find the peace I was looking for but was also greeted by a kind person who
through a picture he took of me broke the silence and loneliness I was in.

JustSomeRandomGuy (retrogamer78): hope you don't mind

How could I possibly mind?
Not only is it always a great honor for me when someone takes my picture since I am always
going paparazza on the people I come across and I know what great joy that brings to both
people on both sides of the camera, but on this occasion, it meant more to me.
It was a beautiful way of letting me know that I wasn't alone and that someone had noticed me
being part of a moment and a place.

See my beautiful people, the kind things we do for others can make a big difference to their day.
Kindness can dry tears and turn frowns into beautiful smiles and that is exactly what Rando did 
for me on that day, and because of that, he is a beautiful person in my book. Thank You Rando!

Now our friend Rando is not only a very kind and friendly guy but also a great Second Life
photographer. At the moment he only has three pictures in his Flickr stream but they all are very
beautiful and I truly love the blurry background technique he uses which is something I haven't
been able to do with my computer. I can't wait to see more of his work in the feature.

I should mention that the song above was the song Rendo chose to share with us today, ty. :)
However, the quote at the beginning was selected by me.

But what makes a person a "beautiful person" for me?
I should answer this question before I continue. The people who make it to my The Beautiful People
section in the blog, are those who at the time of meeting them touched me with their kindness
to me or to others in some way. Those who bring light and leave us with a smile.

“Be the reason someone smiles.
Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.”
― Roy T. Bennett

So there you have it, a beautiful person who on that day was able to give one of the most beautiful
gifts in life, a smile, to someone else. Not only did he leave me with that smile that I needed so bad
but he left me with these beautiful words that I will share with you now...

JustSomeRandomGuy (retrogamer78): there is a great show happening right now as I speak ...
in front of you behind you as you walk around. its called life
and there is only one showing no room to let it pass you by.
If you can grab hold of it and never let go and live it to its fullest until the final curtain is drawn.
JustSomeRandomGuy (retrogamer78): tysm for your kindness .... enjoy the rest of your weekend
and I hope it brings you happiness

Thanks For Reading!
Much love,
Lori Novo

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