Más Allá De Tus Labios

“And I feel the sigh of love
I heard the sound of love
I taste the fruit of love
And beckon, once more, for glorious
Laughter to dance from my memory
And sing skyward, toward you”
― Cheryl Seely Savage

Hello Beautiful Second Life!
I come to you today from a very special place that holds some very beautiful memories of moments
spent there. Moments when I felt infinite joy. But as we all know sometimes those things that once
brought us so much happiness tend to turn painful and their memories become nostalgic.
I do continue returning to this place from time to time to revisit the memories made there.
However, they are bitter-sweet and I usually find myself back and forth between the smiles and the tears.

Welcome, this is Pemberley (Moderate)!

Those memories continue to dance like butterflies among the white flowers and greet me
each time they see me. "Hello Lori, welcome back. We are still here, always waiting for you,
no matter the time." It was in this place that I first heard music by Dave Matthews while
friendly fingers played the guitar for me.

Now, it is always quiet and lonely as I explore the beautiful land. I want to say that I enjoy the 
solitude of this place, but not really. I long to see the familiar face and listen to the music of
Dave Matthews, accompanied by a good friend and a guitar. Nostalgia brings regret, wishing
I could go back in time and do things so differently, take a different journey, and start all over again.
But while life is sweet, sometimes it can be so unfair and cruel, and there are no second chances.
And with that, the only thing left to do is to continue the journey carrying the memories 
we made, even if they hurt, and now make us cry.

Thanks For Reading!
Much love,
Lori Novo

:: PM :: Alma Gown
Vintage-inspired gown featuring sparkly top and sleeves along with a sheer trail to the side.
It also features a deep slit on the front side of the skirt and many color options for the belt.
Advanced lighting is recommended and materials effects can be turned off if needed.
Compatible with Maitreya, Lara X, Legacy, Reborn, GenX Classic, and Curvy.

Sintiklia - Hair Valencia
*LODE* Head Accessories - Late Lilac Veil [white]
BEO - Crystal drops gacha_Earring
BEO - Crystal drops gacha_Necklace
Model & Photographer: Lori Novo

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