Bummer Hooray!


What a rollercoaster of disappointments and thrills, I tell you!
I woke up super excited and ready to explore the Noah's Ark sim and guess what I found
when I arrived? Como'n Guess? I found... NOTHING! Everything was gone. :(
All the beautiful animals and the ark and the hills and the grass, and the sand, and the...
You get the idea. I even took a long time putting together a good outfit to go perfectly with the 
biblical theme but I was too late. Noah had already packed all his animals back into the ark
and sailed to Hawaii for a change of scenery. :P

So what to do when disappointing surprises rain on my parade?
Well, change gears and go for option two of course. I'll be damn if I let disappointment
stop me from having fun exploring because nothing can stop us me now!

I confess, I really didn't have an option two since never in a million years I would have thought
that Noah would suddenly pack ark and sail away into the sunset with all his beautiful animals.
So I had to come up with option two quickly before I would start getting lazy and end up
getting back into my pajamas and going back to sleep. So I decided to search Second Life's 
destinations and VIOLA!!! and there it was staring me straight into my eyes and whispering
"Come to me Loriiiii"
So I immediately removed my holy-looking outfit and put together an outfit that went perfectly
with the new sim I was now excited to explore.

This is Colourado (Moderate)

by Cica Ghost

“...inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.”
― Terry Pratchett

As soon as I saw Cica's new Sim in the search I knew I had to match the colors of the land because
I like blending in with the animals and monsters Cica usually uses because they are always sooo
cuteeee! ;) I dyed my hair yellow, no, not blonde but literally yellow, and armed myself with heavy
boots, a monster fur hat, and even a green booger to complete the look. And I ran as fast as I could to
Colourado before Cica would pack up all her animals and raisins and leave just like Noah did.
Thankfully, the land wasn't empty and from what I heard, it will remain this way for another two weeks.

Lori Novo: Hi Cica, when does your current sim "Colouado" end?
Cica Ghost: hi
Cica Ghost: i don't know
Cica Ghost: why do you ask?

LOL, she's funny.
"Ummm... because
Ummm, I want to know
because... ummm I am weird and nosy."

Cica Ghost: hm, probably 2 more weeks
Lori Novo: ah, wonderful! tysm :)
Cica Ghost: ok :)

Raisins? Where?

The California Raisins - I Heard it Through the Grapevine
(Live Performance!)

NO NO, not the California raisins. I am referring to Cica's raisins.

There were raisins everywhere. Lazy raisins, romantic raisins, daydreaming, dancing,
heck, there were raisins even in the rice pudding. :P

This new sim by Cica Ghost is just as wonderful and fun as all of her other ones...


And while for this Sim, the name Colourado almost sounds like colorado, which is "color red" in
Spanish, I absolutely loved the combination of yellows, greens, and purples which are the ideal
colors for Mardi Gras, not to forget a bit of blues, here and there.

One of my favorite things in every Cica's sims that I always mention is the beautiful,
very expressive eyes on all of her creatures. They are really captivating and sweet. I love looking into
their eyes and dreaming of rice pudding loaded with tons of raisins, yum yum yum! :P
Anyway, I might have missed Noah's animals but I still got to see Cica's cuties who were very
welcoming as always.

This is all for now. Thanks for stopping by.
Much love,
Lori Novo

Hey Cica, I have another question for youuuuu!! :P

Click Us, We Don't Bite, We Just Get Bigger, Because Size Matters, Really!

Credits On Me
DOUX - Rehab Hairstyle ● #cloud9 neon nosebleeds (EVOX BOM) ● Deadly Pixels: Fuzzy Hara Hat
Tres Blah - Somerset Dress ● Yasum - Susan-Leather -Boots * Green 

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