Looking Good Baby!

Bibo Novo

Oh baby you are looking good!
Drooling here :P

Who can this cutie pie possibly be, mmmm?
It's none other than my own Bibo Novo.

I spent the whole day yesterday giving him a complete makeover from head to toes . Remember I mentioned before that I was in desperate need of a male model? Well, for a minute there I had completely forgotten about my poor Bibo that had been cast away into the shadows of the forgotten Second life accounts.

Now, this will be only one of the several looks I have in store for him, I want to play around  a little and change his look every now and then.

For those of you that are new to my blog, Bibo is an account I created some time ago to use for the blog. I wanted to feature male clothes for our guys and also take some romantic shots at all the romantic places I could find to show you, but feeling a bit shy and not wanting to bother any of my male friends with this, I just decided to create Bibo.

Mmmm .... still drooling here :P

Shape ~ Orion Avatar ~ TELLAQ SKINS
(Complete Avatar L$1500: Bibo wearing skin #3)
Hair ~ IndyFlagLong ~ Tukinowaguma
Tunic ~ Adyan Kurta ~ Zaara  
Pants ~ Classic Jeans ~ Zaara
Bibo Novo

So how can we use the new Bibo?
How about with some great ideas for your profiles.
If you are like me, then I am sure you check out all the profiles of those that come your way. I bet you've seen some very creative and interesting ones. I am always amazed of the different things I find in them. Some can be funny and sweet while others can be scary and somehow rude. The thing is to make our profiles interesting, remember that what you write in it should focus on what's important to you since it'll be in a way speaking for you, telling like a "little" story about you to whoever opens it.

Here are just a few ideas I "borrowed" ;)  from some great profiles. 
Just copy and paste.
EnJoY ㋡

► Play The Moments
▌▌ Pause The Memories
■ Stop The Pain
◄◄ Rewind The Happiness
[███████████████████████████████████] 100%

███▓▒░░. u  Ē  Źž  É  Ź‡. & in love ░░▒▓███

I live in earth somewhere!

Downloading real life....please wait....

Unable to connect to First Life.

Despite our best efforts,
                   something unexpected has occurred.

I'm American, for reference.
RL is RL, SL is SL.
I'm from SL, end of discussion. =)

NO!  I won't:
☒ meet you in RL ✈
☒WEBcam or SKYPE
☒ ☏


Steppenwolf (Steppen Crescendo): yu do a pretty guy
Lori Novo: :P