Bibo Novo

Have I gone mad?

NO, not really!
I like to think so.

Allow me to explain.

Once upon a time (more like a year ago), while checking out shapes in the Market Place, I came upon one of the most beautiful ones for males. Well, that is my personal opinion. Anyways, I liked it so much, more like I fell in love with it, that I bookmarked it.

During the year,  there were several occasions when I got to recommend it to a few people. I know with certain that three of the people I recommended it to liked it so much that they actually ended getting it.

It is the
.:Bohemian:. Casanova - Hollywood Edition
(6.69 USD)
Bohemian Style

Now, here comes the part you might think is kind of crazy.
 This is a new ALT that I have created to use for the blog.
I DO need a male model and sure some of my friends are more then willing to help me out. However I do not want to be an inconvenience to any of them so I decided to create a new account just for that.
I have loved this shape since forever and I don't see why I can't use it, right?

I named it Bibo, after my husband's nickname and intend to use it as much as I can for my posts.

Why do I love it so much?
I really had no idea until earlier today.
For over I year I had been fascinated by it and I always wondered why?
This afternoon when my son got back home from school and I showed him this picture and told him it was my ALT, he said...

"Mom, it looks like dad!"

And that's when I realized why I love it so much. It DOES look like my husband :)

But earlier in the morning, this is how my BiboNovo looked like...

Big change right?

SUIT: Leon Black by Utopia
EARRING: Silver Men's by Chop Zuey
HAIR: Mark  - Espresso by Truth