Looking For Lars


“I don’t want to know what time it is. I don’t want to know what day it is or where I am.
None of that matters.”
― Jon Krakauer

Lori & Sunny

The road was waiting to be weaved by our steps and with each turning of the wheel. Our main goal on that
day was to venture out in search of Lars, who we knew could be found on some remote road
asleep in the back of a van as it traveled with no defined destination.

Along the way, my loyal companion Sunny and I made a few stops to smell the roses, or in this case,
watch a paper boat navigate the flooded ditch that separated the dirt road from the wheat and Nanohana
fields. We watched it pass us by until it disappeared in the distance on the blue water, then again
appeared making its way to us again. Each time it happened, Sunny excitedly barked at it and seemed to
want to jump on it for a ride...

"Easy Sunny, you are too big for it!"

Our search for Lars had taken us to some faraway road on West 17 in Walch County.
It was North Dakota baby! Where the roads have no name and where castaway cars and buses
gather to rest looking up to the sky for the night bright stars and the shiny sun.

Welcome, this is Walsh County (General)

Sim's Description
... Uff da... it's North Dakota... or at least that little bit of it up in Walsh County. 
Come on over... I made a hotdish.  ***60 min auto-return*** Flickr

"Lars, is that you?"
Oh silly cat, it is you Loki Osiris (lokiosiris). My Lars is all black and you have touches of white.
HA, you almost fooled me!"
"WOOF WOOF! [Me Too]"

Now, it is not that Loki is not as good and beautiful as Lars, but my heart is profoundly set on Lars
and nothing will ever change that. But who is this Lars that I am searching for?

Lars is a three-year-old beautiful black cat who I absolutely adored. He melts my heart every time
he appears on screen. He was rescued at the age of two months from a No Kill Animal Shelter in
Los Angeles, California by YouTuber Mateo Bratton, who is hands down one of my favorite "Van Life
"I Have Everything And Nothing At All
In 2022 I left my career in the LA music industry to take off on an adventure that I could have never
imagined, Van life! With my cat Lars. Come join us while we: explore amazing sites, meet great friends
and cook delicious meals! See you on the road!!! 🚀" -Mateo Bratton

Now, Mateo is one of the kindest people in the world. A man with a heart of gold.
You know, the kind that will share or give away his plate of food to someone else even if he has little or
none left for him to eat. And he does this always with a beautiful smile. He is the kind of man who
will stop in the middle of a busy road to save a turtle from getting run over. One thing Mateo and I have
in common is that we both are in search of something we love. It is just not the need
to roam freely in the world, but while I search for Lars, he searches for Banana Slugs, which he
absolutely loves. He sees them as if they are his friends, welcoming him and giving him good luck.

Mateo absolutely loves life, people, and animals and that may be one of the many reasons why he has
one of the fastest-growing channels on YouTube. Now, if you have a minute or two... ok more like
thirty-one minutes to spare, I have one of my many favorite videos from him where he shares his
motives for choosing this lifestyle and what it means to him, enjoy!

By the way, Mateo writes his own music and sings beautifully. Two of my favorite songs from him are
Pangea and Take Me Hiya which you can listen to in his Apple Music channel.
Please, if you like his content make sure to subscribe!

Now going back to Lars who is the superstar in my heart.
We search for him high and low. From the top of the power line poles, all the way to the muddiest
ground. But Lars was nowhere to be found.

Maybe someday, not too far away, I will find him playing
with all the other animals in the Rezz Room, black as night, with golden eyes and a face so sweet...

Click Us, We Don't Bite CRUNCH! Just Kidding :P

Then, it'll be the three of us, Sunny, Lars and me free like three little birds living our van life.

But our search for Lars didn't go in vain. Sunny made a few new friends along the way which is
something Mateo always does wherever he goes. 

And while we find our Lars, because I really want my own Lars in Second Life,
Sunny and I goofed around and had a lot of fun. We climbed trees and swam in the mud, ran and danced
in the wheat and Nanohana fields, and chased the cows. And got showered with insecticide spray
by the helicopter spraying the fields... Wait, What?! :O

Anyway, by the end of the day, we were exhausted so we sat quietly to watch the sunset,
while we scratched each other's back. "Omg Sunny, why are we so itchy and red?" 

Credits On Me
TRUTH Flutter - Redhead ● Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe  Lips Piercing Jonna:.(leL ) ● Tres Blah - Aspen Tunic Top
!APHORISM! - Jane BF Jeans Worn Vintage ● ::ROC:: Erica Boot

Baja Coast


Just passing by...

Welcome, this is BAJA COAST (Moderate)

Sim Description
Experience the timeless beauty of Baja Coast, in this nostalgic, romantic tropical beach environment.
Explore the coast and islands of this photogenic white sand tropical beach and take in the sights and
sounds of nature with your friends and family, or maybe you just want some peaceful time alone. 

Credits On Me
OPALE . Glami Hair [Naturals Pack] ● :: pm :: Sasha Earrings ● GIZ SEORN - Miley Dress

We Have A Winner!

Justice Littleboots
is my kimono giveaway winner!

Japonica 🌸 Behind The Scenes

Leave a comment below for a chance to win a kimono like mine.

“Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life.
Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Hello Beautiful Second Life!
So here we have JAPONICA behind the scenes.
This is a part of this beautiful event that can only be seen if you venture outside the event's grounds.
This particular area is located behind the left-side booths as you enter the event.
It is a group of small different "backgrounds" put together by our designers.
There are poses available with each box or you can use your own.
They are beautifully perfect for pictures as you can see. ;)

I have decided that for this blog post, I will be giving away a kimono like mine, in any color-choice
to one winner randomly selected on July 19th at 12p.m. SLT.
The chance to enter this giveaway ends on July 18 at 12p.m. SLT.

Daru Yukata Kimono by [SHIFUKU] 

All you have to do is comment below (for this post only) and make sure to include your inworld name
so I can be able to contact you in case you are the winner. This opportunity is for both women and men.

Details On Man Kimono

If I only get one comment, then the kimono goes to that person.
If no one comments, then I'll cry. :P 
It is something small I know but it is a way to show you my beautiful readers how thankful I am
for all your love and support. If I see a good response to this giveaway I might be doing more
in the future. We'll see. ;)

And NO!!! Steppenwolf is not allowed to enter this giveaway!!!

Now, whoever wins the beautiful kimono will still have two days to take beautiful pictures
behind the scenes of Japonica like I did. Good luck to everyone! 

Credits On Me
Platinum - "Irina" Hairstyle ● POISON ROUGE Momo Hairpin - White ● -XTC- Boho Brows ● Bare - Liver Liner EvoX (BOM)
SAXO - Cheek Blush V1 lel EVOX Unisex ● Fenom. Cleo Lipgloss [Lelutka HD] GIFT
[ VelvetVue ] Rouge Blush ● LIVIA::Petal Earrings ● [Onyx] Born to Die Tattoo

It's Now or Never

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. 
Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Happy Monday Everyone!
Just want to wish you all a beautiful day and let you know that FOXWOOD is having their
50% Off Summer Sale on all items (Gallery). I am not really sure when it will end, it could be today,
tomorrow, or in a week, so you better hurry and go pick up some cuties before the sale is over. ;)
By the way, I would like to welcome back Nina, {Foxwood/Alchemy/Birdy/Foxes} designer.
Looking forward to her new creations. 

Credits On Me
FAGA - Elsa Hairstyle ● =Zenith=Witch Rose Horn (Orange) ● KUNGLERS - Elma Earrings ● [ELLE] Aiko Shirt Dress - 004 -

How Could You?

Because the stories may all be different, but the pain will always be the same.

She walked in with a beautiful smile into the dentist's office where he worked as a dentist assistant.
It was the weekend, so no one was there, only him waiting for her to show her around, as he
had promised. She was happy and eager to spend that time with him, even if it was at his workplace.
She really liked him, she liked him so much that since the day she met him, she couldn't stop smiling.
He was older, but she didn't care. They were just friends, good friends, though she had a sweet crush on
him, innocent and pure. He had always treated her delicately and sweetly. He was respectful and used
the most beautiful words on her that would melt her heart. However, some of her friends didn't trust
him, "He looks too good to be true." they would tell her. She however felt blessed by his presence in her life.

As he guided her through the dentist's office, he began " playfully " teasing her.
"You not scared to be here with me alone?" he laughed. "I might be the bad wolf and you little
red riding hood." He laughed louder. She smiled at him and said that nothing scared her. "Ah, really,
nothing?" and smirked. She laughed happily and repeated, "Yes, nothing scares me!".
She just wanted to appear brave. Her innocence and youth didn't allow her to see that at that point his
playfulness, which was something he had never done beforewas a warning for her to get out, to get
away, and so she continued exploring the rooms and stopping to read some of the informative posters on
the walls.

Once they had reached one of the back rooms, she suddenly felt her body being pushed hard against
the shelves and his body tightly pressed against her. His hands then began to touch her body.
She began to cry and screamed at him to stop. But he wouldn't. Somehow, she managed to get loose
and tried to reach for the door, but a blow to her face stopped her and sent her across the room, almost
making her lose consciousness. As her head hit the cement floor, everything became a blur and confusion.

Now her petite body trapped between the hard cold cement floor and the brutality of her assaulter
began to tremble uncontrollably as he began to pull her clothes off. She begged him to stop
and repeatedly screamed NO! But her screams were rapidly silenced by his hand strongly
pressed against her face, making it difficult for her to breathe. Every second that passed her body
began to feel weaker and weaker as he continued the assault. 

Her whole being became numb as her tears kept running down her face. There was no more strength left
in her. She closed her eyes and wished they never open again. He finally removed his hand from her 
face while he was still inside her, and kissing her lips he asked, "I thought you said nothing scared you,
so why are you crying?"... "Isn't this what you wanted?"

The noise from the busy street just outside sounded so far away, even the Tick Tocks from the clock in
the room. Time stood still or moved too slowly. She opened her eyes as he continued and turning her face
to the little light coming from the small window in the room, she continued to silently cry.
She was being robbed of her first beautiful experience, of being touched gently and lovingly
respectfully, and cherished. Now, she lay on a cold floor covered by her tears and the brutality of
his actions.

She walked away that day feeling as if a big part of her had died. She felt pain and shame in every
part of her body that he had touched and kissed and taken by force and without her permission.
She felt ashamed and guilty as if it was her fault for staying alone with him, for trusting him and
believing he was a good man, She was afraid people would blame her and judge her and wouldn't
understand. So she hid her face looking down as she walked down the streets so no one could see
her tears or know her pain. She wanted to disappear and felt dirty. She wanted to peel off her skin to
cleanse herself but she knew that what she was feeling was deeper than just the surface. The horrible
abuse that she had just suffered was now imprinted in the deepest part of her soul and couldn't be 
erased or forgotten. It had just become now a very horrible and sad part of her life that she would
be keeping a secret for many years to come.

He walked away and continued life as if nothing ever happened.

NO! means NO!

Credits On Me
bonbon - Nadia Hair (Naturals) ● e.marie // Jenna Earrings - Golds ● Feather Ear Tattoo - BOM Lel Evox
KIPRIDA - Bruises set BOM - Lel EvoX ● *COCO*_MidiSlipDress(White)