A Test Of Life

Hello Beautiful World!
Sometimes we invite situations or people into our lives with the hope that something wonderful
and beautiful will prosper with time. However, that is not always the case. While we have the power
within ourselves to make the decisions in our lives that can affect our lives either beautifully and positively
or in the worst possible way, unfortunately, the outcome of our decision is unknown to us
at the moment we greet and welcome them with a yes or a no. The results of those decisions will only
unfold before us once they have entered into our lives but by then, the results can be too late to be reversed.

“The most sacred thing in life isn’t the path. It’s the freedom to choose it. "
- Harrison Ford

The above quote by Harrison Ford is from this year's Super Bowl. One of the most beautiful
commercials I have ever watched. The monologue in the ad carries so much positivity and
a beautiful message to live by...

It is always very easy to preach kindness and acceptance and forgiveness and all those beautiful
things that all humans should live by, but it is another thing to actually live by what we preach.
I have always been a strong believer that all things that happen to us in our lives happen for a reason
and that is to teach us a lesson to be better, do better, and live a better life. But until recently I realized
that when things happen to us, it doesn't necessarily mean they are happening to teach us something,
but they can also be happening to test us. To test our character, morals, faith, and what
we stand for because we tend to forget what is really important in life.

I had forgotten for a moment the virtues of understanding and patience.
And once I re-enforced these two into my heart and mind again I began to feel peace and joy once again.
I no longer felt the need to try and find the answer to what was clouding my days. All I had
to do was to accept the fact that people are not all the same so we can not expect other people's actions to
be the same as ours. I also had to remember that patience in life will bring peace, and forgiveness, joy.
Once I was back on track, my life returned to its natural happy and peaceful state.

I prioritized the blessings in my life, starting with what is most important, my loved ones,
and working my way down on my list. And in the process, I realized two very important things
that really made me go WOW.

First, I acknowledge all the love I am surrounded by, both in real life and Second Life. I have a roof over my head
and food on my table. I get the joy of waking up every day to see the sun and rest my head on my soft
pillows to dream sweet dreams every night. And since I don't need much (materialistic) to be happy in
life I can honestly say that with what I have, I am a millionaire.

The second thing I realized was, that what had been bothering me these past days to the point
of forgetting some of the virtues I try to live by didn't even made it into my list of blessings.
It was simply nothing compared to everything else I already have in my life.
So yes, that was a big WOW and a slap on the face. It was life that had come to the rescue,
to test me, to make sure I could still be patient and understand and move on
to live the life I am meant to live, happy and full of love!

Thanks For Reading!
Much love,
Lori Novo

Resizable version and skinned for Lara & LaraX, Legacy and Reborn.
HUD with 4 metallic shades, 8 blossom and 8 bead colors.

(NEW) KUNGLERS - Meire Necklace @ Cosmopolitan Event (Ends March 1st )
Sintiklia - Hair Astrid
Pseudo- Aria Blouse Lara Rust

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