A Deeper Meaning

Hello Beautiful World!

And again here I am on this, another one of my lazy Sundays.
There are just very few hours left of this week before it is time to turn the page 
to another new chapter. Aren't you excited to see what awaits us? I sure am!
This week had to be one of the hard ones, still, there were too many beautiful moments that
made me smile so by no means am I considering it a bad week. Actually, there are no bad weeks 
just bad moments that shouldn't define the whole week as a bad one, right?

Anyways, going to another subject. Today after I checked to see how my friend Suzanne was doing
since I know how stressed out she's been feeling all week juggling several big events by herself,
and as I was about to leave I said "adios" to her which is the way I always say it to everyone, 
and which means bye-bye in Spanish, and as she repeated it back to me, I suddenly realized 
something that I am sure many people don't even think about when saying "adios" to someone, 
and that is that "adios" means "with God" which means what we are truly saying when we say 
"adios" to someone, we are saying "Be with God" or "Stay with God" or "God is with you". 
now isn't that so beautiful? It is funny how often we don't realize the deeper meaning of some 
of the words that we use constantly on a daily basis.

The Happy Hoarder (suzanne.cyberstar): sooo off I go to  work like a bee here, smiles
Lori Novo: please take it easy, stop and smell the roses while u work ;)
Lori Novo: adiosssssssss
The Happy Hoarder (suzanne.cyberstar): yess adiosss
Lori Novo: by the way before we go, do you know what adios mean?
The Happy Hoarder (suzanne.cyberstar): I thought was good bye
Lori Novo: yes but its true meaning is "to God" or in other words means I leave you with God
The Happy Hoarder (suzanne.cyberstar): awwe thats lovely
Lori Novo: it's the way some of us Spanish ppl say bye
The Happy Hoarder (suzanne.cyberstar): I like it
Lori Novo: yes :)
Lori Novo: adiossssss
The Happy Hoarder (suzanne.cyberstar): tears
Lori Novo: aww <3

But then again, you don't have to be Spanish like me to use this beautiful word 
when you say goodbye. ;)

And as I predicted yesterday, today I felt all bushy-tailed again and happy to be in Second Life.
I am excited to see what I'll be writing to you in the coming week. Maybe a love story about a beautiful
princess or maybe a funny-crazy one. How about a scary one? We'll see. I already have one for you for
my Beautiful People section and I might just come up with another new section for the blog, See how
excited I am about all these? 

But now I leave you with this YouTube video that my sweet husband, Steppenwolf recorded the other day
when we returned to * NOUR * - Light Of The Desert (Moderate) so I could dance for him. ;)

Well, The End, over and out. ;)
Much Love,
Lori Novo


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