The Beautiful People ❖ Davitar Lieph

"Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all..."

Hello Beautiful World!
What a beautiful way to start the week as we turn the page to a new chapter 
by listening to this beautiful song Davitar shares with us. But where are my manners?

It is a pleasure to introduce to you
Davitar Lieph

Photo From Davitar's Profile

"In real life I work with the underprivileged as a counselor. Mostly with homeless individuals. 
It is the most rewarding job I've had and helping people that way is part of who I am. 
I am the real me here in heart so I guess I am here to help too. :)" - Davitar

Davitar represents what being beautiful really means. It is what can be found in a person's heart
and not just based on what we see on the exterior. When we dedicate our lives to helping others that
is what gives us the ultimate beauty a person can ever possess. An exterior beauty will fade and/or 
diminish with time, however, the beauty that we carry in our hearts is everlasting and it can
only continue to grow with time while leaving a mark on the lives of others.

Davitar is the first beautiful person that I am featuring in the blog in years.
This is the kind of wonderful people that I'll be looking out for in this section of my blog. I do want
these section of the blog to feature only those who are truly kind and generous people. Those
that are dedicated to helping others and making a difference...

Davitar Lieph (davitar): I love anything that has to do with exposing real beauty to the world.
Davitar Lieph (davitar): It's one of the more amazing things I observe about humankind... 
that we miss so much beauty in others and in the world in general.
Davitar Lieph (davitar): I'm trying not to do that anymore :)
Lori Novo: I do agree, we need more positive things in life and showing that the world continues
 to be beautiful and people continue to be good and kind :)
Davitar Lieph (davitar): Above All - Michael W. Smith
Lori Novo: beautiful song!
Davitar Lieph (davitar): it's good reminder for me personally and to keep in mind when I'm 
working with others who I should be seeing the same way. :)
Lori Novo: that is so beautiful, if just all people were like that
Davitar Lieph (davitar): I think more of us are than aren't, we just aren't very open about it

And as we continued to chat on that day, Davitar was dedicated to helping with his words 
full of light and hope for someone who was struggling.

Thank you so much Davitar for honoring my blog with your presence.
May God fill your life with so much love and happiness just like you give to others.

And to you, my beautiful people, know that I truly love you all. You are part of my heart and I
could never thank you enough for your constant love and support. For taking time every day from
your busy lives to come and see me, is the most beautiful gift you all can ever give me.
Hugging you all so tight in one big hug!

Much Love,
Lori Novo

The Rest of Davitar's Profile
I'm not great at typing something about me so if you want to know please feel free to ask. 
I prefer conversation to a preface meant to impress.
I'm happy to chat, dance, hang out, be a friend, but not really looking for romance. 
Been there and it just doesn't work for me.

Credits on Lori
(NEW) Sintiklia - Hair Magnolia (Details) @ FaMESHed Event (Ends Sep. 27)
(New) KUNGLERS - Margot necklace @ Cosmopolitan Event (Ends Sep. 19)
Maitreya Mesh Body
Model & Photographer Lori Novo
Thanks to my wonderful ●Sponsors for their kind support!

My Kunglers Inventory ● Designer Ava Kungler

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