A Glimpse of Heaven

I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door...

Did I just catch a glimpse of heaven?
Is this heaven's door?

Hello Beautiful World?

Sometimes, actually, many times we will discover beauty in the most isolated places in Second Life.
For example, today I spent some time at Daydreaming (Moderate), home of Bondi main store. I had
been there last week shopping and cammed very quick outside. I discovered how beautiful it was the
area that surrounded the building, so I saved the LM with the intention of taking pictures to show you
that taking time to look outside the shops you visit every day is so much worth it. Many are
just waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. Unfortunately, we might just be so concentrated on
shopping that we miss so much more that is being offered to us by the designers.

Anyway, the first picture was my favorite one of the ones I took today.

It is Monday, time for a new weekly resolution. Last week our resolution was about lying, today
it is gossiping. There is so much of that going on in Second Life and it is truly a very nasty habit.
I personally try to keep away from people who seem to enjoy spreading personal things about other
people. I find this a very low thing to do since the person they are talking about is not there to defend
themselves. It is cowardly and speaks very low of the person who is doing the gossiping. Remember,
while they are pointing a finger, three are pointing right back at them!

It is best to hush-hush because not everyone enjoys hearing about other people's lives from gossipers.
If someone wants to share with me something personal about themselves, I am all ears, but I am
ZERO interested in hearing anything secondhand.

So yesterday I spent some very special time with my daughter watching Pen15 on Hulu and drinking
watermelon juice. Omg, Pen15 has to be one of the best shows I've seen in a very long time, now I can't wait for season two. Oh, and yeah, the watermelon juice was so yummy in the tummy. :P

I invite you all to visit this beautiful sim and say hi to the doves for me. I think I am taking
doves as my personal symbol. They have a very special effect and meaning on/to me. They
bring so much peace to my heart and such beautiful memories. So if anyone ever asks me again
what animal I would like to be, my answer will be, Paloma, a dove.

Also my beautiful people, for those of you who do not do photography, I invite you to give it a try. 
It is so easy and enjoyable and so very gratifying. It will keep all those memories of the beautiful
places you visit, the people you meet, and the very special moments you share with your friends, all
beautifully saved in a free Flickr account that holds 1000 images. Now, you do not need to be a
professional to do this, it is about having fun and having one of the most beautiful and free hobbies
in Second Life, think about it.

Now before we go, I would like to thank
for sponsoring this blog post. <3

Goodbye for now. Love you all tons.
Please don't forget to take care of each other and spread the love.

Lori Novo

(NEW) Sintiklia - Hair Paula (Details) @ Tres Chic Event (Ends Nov. 10 - Gallery)
(NEW) LOTUS. Monsoon Eyes 04 (Gacha) @ The Epiphany Event (Ends Nov. 12 - Gallery)
(NEW) Jewelry - KUNGLERS - Zayra set (Details) @ Dubai Event
Maitreya Mesh Body
Model & Photographer Lori Novo
Thanks to my wonderful ●Sponsors for their kind support!

My Sintiklia's Inventory ● Designer Sintikliasim
My Kunglers Inventory ● Designer Ava Kungler
My Lotus Inventory ● Designer Ana Maria Njohr

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