Daisy Jones


"... always a work in progress ..."
- From DJones' Profile

Hello Beautiful World!
What can I say when it comes to our new beautiful lady, only that when I saw her standing AFK
at METAHUMANO (Moderate), her whole presence was like song lyrics...

"Daisy Jones, take me home
Take me home, Daisy Jones..."

Oh, wait, wrong lyrics.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it, you already know what a goofball I am.
But seriously, when I saw her for some reason this beautiful song came to mind, maybe it was the boots. :P

Please meet Daisy Jones (Lodenstone)!
A gorgeous redhead that is more like a mystery than anything else. Not much I can really share with you
about this beautiful lady since I always go by what I can read from their profiles and the only things
I could find in hers were the quote above, and her age. Still, as limited as that is, her beautiful
personality comes across when you talk to her. And honestly, who needs a profile filled with tons of
words when your sole presence can speak a thousand words for you.

I think it is best now that I share a song with you from her profile, Enjoy!

Now, that's more like it, a video of her own!

But if one of her video choices is not enough, how about two? ;)

 More Daisy Jones Music HERE 

As you know Daisy Jones is our second lady featured in this new section of the blog 
For this section, I mainly look for the physical beauty of the avatars. Luckily, both of
the ladies now featured turned out to also have inner beauty which makes them the whole package.
Now, looking beautiful even in Second Life also requires work just like in real life. What makes a
beautiful-looking avatars are the many things we have to wear, from the personally preferred head to the
skin, eyes, makeup, hair, outfit, etc. but I say that the one very important thing that makes our look differ
from the rest is the shape. Ten girls, wearing the same head, and same body but all wearing different shapes,
may somehow look like they are related, still, none will be looking like twins, see what I mean?

And with that, I thought I shared with you what are some of the things these beautiful women were
wearing the moment I had the honor of photographing them.

Some of the attachments of Daisy Jones (lodenstone)
/HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.1
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
DOUX - Rehab Hairstyle
e.marie // Alexis Hoops - Silvers
(fd) Lace Spring Top - Cream
amias - ZOIE robe
Tres Blah - Liberty Denim Shorts (Maitreya) - Distressed
Riders Vaquera Boots - Maitreya Lara (w/Shaft)

I'm out of here for now my beautiful people. Feeling much better today thank God so you might be seeing
me again later today with what might be an exploring Second Life blog post, not really sure yet though.
A yummy breakfast is waiting for me, "Coming Coming!"
Keep beautiful, always! Over & Out.

Much love,
Lori Novo

Daisy Jones (Lodenstone): Lori.... Wow. What an amazing blog post!
Thank you so much. I love it. I'm really honored that you chose to feature me :)

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