Now I'm Feeling Different


We were young
We were young
We were young, we didn't care
Is it gone?
Is it gone?
Is it floating in the air?
I changed my mind
I changed my mind
Now I'm feeling different...

Hello Beautiful World!
Before we begin, I want to wish my beautiful friend AuraLux a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
She is among the most beautiful souls you will ever meet in Second Life and a huge honor to
have as a friend. 

Lori Novo: awwww the birthday girl! <3
Lori Novo: and u get to be that for the WHOLE day
AuraLux: yes!
AuraLux: a whole 24 hours! lol
Lori Novo: omg how wonderful is that? That is a lot of hours :)
AuraLux: well... ill be sleeping for a good lot of them.. rofl but still, glorious :)
Lori Novo: lol trueeee

Yesterday we visited the CHICCHICA:::BAD IDEAS (Moderate) sim where SL designer 
Lilo Denimore has designed a beautiful place for all of us to explore and enjoy, especially in the
company of good friends. Aura and I spent most of the time chatting about real life and how blessed 
we truly are. We also touched on a very annoying subject about men that I am sure most
women in SL have to deal with every day. And that is the pervs and flirters that bombard women with
IM's all from innocent hellos to very disrespectful flirts and insulting offers.

Scorpion (scorpionhunt)
Scorpion: smiles at her
Lori Novo: hello Scorpion
Scorpion: Hello Lori, smiles again, sorry was staring ..couldn't resist the smile
Scorpion: watches her from a distance, "not in a creepy way " what's the zodiac behind ..
Lori Novo: Scorpio
Scorpion: No
Scorpion: casually beautiful, long hair, luminous eyes , focused. feminine...what are you saying
Scorpion: ...smiles am a Scorpio as well...and I couldn't stop looking at you ...smiles
Scorpion: "she felt stunning, femininely very attractive, barefeet...beautiful vibe"

This is one of the nice IMs that I get most of the time. This gentleman thought he was flirtatious, he was
charming and respectful, something that I appreciated. But then there are those that will IM me with the
most disgusting comments reducing me to nothing without any provocation and leaving me in tears. The
last one was from one of my blog readers, that IMed me in-world, and after I thank him for supporting
my blog, he offered me a stripper job for a bachelor party he was putting together. I was utterly shocked
and insulted. I was so hurt that I just logged out and didn't feel like returning to Second Life for the rest
of the day.

The problem is not only the negative content of those men's IMs but the amount we receive them.
Most times within the first two minutes of my arrival at a club, I already have 4-6 IMs all from 
simple "Hello" to "You are so sexy", something that I really don't want to hear especially if I am with
my Steppenwolf dancing or just trying to have a romantic-sweet time with him, I find it very
disrespectful to my husband, and to me and our beautiful relationship. Ignoring men's IMs is almost
impossible since many won't give up and will keep IMing repeatedly throughout the night. It has come
as far as to some men continuing IMing me even after Steppenwolf and I had left the club almost
an hour ago.

Now, don't think that I am one-sided about this problem, I am sure that men might very much have this
same problem because I am sure there must be some women that can be as aggressive as the men that
don't know how to be respectful and take a no for an answer. This problem is very tiring and stressful to
me to the point that sometimes I just rather go out dancing with my husband to an isolated place where I
won't have to deal with non-stop incoming IMs and just fully enjoy my husband's company.

So yes, that was a very interesting subject my friend Aura and I touched while we enjoyed a delicious
lunch at the CHICCHICA:::BAD IDEAS sim.

By the way, the look I put together for this blog post was inspired by the beautiful lady on the mural
behind me, minus the weapon. I rarely promote any weapons in my blog unless they'll be shooting
out love.

This is all for now my beautiful people. Sending my beautiful friend Aura a HUGE hug for her
birthday and wishing her lots of love, good health, and endless blessings.
And for you all, the same. ;)

Stay beautiful at heart and never stop smiling.
Much love,
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
KUNGLERS - Halime Necklace ● KUNGLERS - Naiomi Necklace ● Aviator Sunglasses ~ Cranked
Hoar (White) ~ Dead Dollz

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