Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): this picture is only for you xD
Lori Novo: lol ok :P

OOOOOOps, sorry Juvie.
The picture just slipped out, I don't know how that happened. :P

"I'm too sexy for my shirt
Too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts..."

Juvie sure you are too sexy for your shirt. 
and I don't doubt that too much sexiness must hurt as hell, poor baby. :P

Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): Lorrrriiii
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): the magic happened
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): there is a new me lol
Lori Novo: holaaaaaaa
Lori Novo: what magic?
[Sents Me Picture]
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): that is my new me xD
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): dont fall in love lol
Lori Novo: omg, too late, I already did! :P
Lori Novo: WOW, love it
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): hahaha isn t that a man lol
Lori Novo: gorgeous
Lori Novo: love it
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): you should see him without shirt hahaha
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): body hair and a lovely tattoo
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): lol
Lori Novo: lol I better not :P
Lori Novo: well, you look great juvieeee
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): this picture is only for you xD
Lori Novo: lol ok :P
Juve Wheelwright-Wobbit (juve31): ready ^^
[Sents Me First Picture]
Lori Novo: omg wow...

No worries my people, it's not like I am flirting with Juve or cheating on my Steppenwolf,
Juve, or Juvie as I prefer to call him IS and will always be my bfffff. He and I go way back and we have
been friends since my first year in Second Life, over 13 years ago. Plus as he says, "I am the gayest gay
in Second Life", these are his exact words. 

The day I met Juve I was at Tempura doing Tai Chi, he had stopped by and joined us, but I really don't
recall ever seeing him there before. I immediately noticed him, he was holding a teddy bear and I
thought that was so sweet. I Imed him to say hello and from that moment on we became inseparable.
Through the years we shared so many fun and special moments together where laughter
was the highest factor in our friendship. I don't recall ever having a dull or boring day with him
or a time when he wasn't there for me when I needed him. We both were there for each other always
supporting each other's dreams.

I always loved and still love to watch my friend Juve become bigger and bigger in Second Life.
From the time he won Miss Wigstock in 2013, to his wonderful performances as an actor at the
Theater On The Hills. Now my Juvie continues to grow in his new project in Second Life, JuVa!
JuVa (Junity and Vanity) is the place for entertainment, where he looks only for the best in SL
talent to present. At JuVa you will find a beautiful theater and an outdoor stage. A beautiful
wedding area and also an exclusive club in the sky.
My Juvie is co-owner together with Hobbit Zenfold Staheli (hobbit.zenfold) of this very prestigious site.
I should also mention that credits for Juve's pictures in this post go to Hobbit who not only took the
pictures for him but also assisted my friend in his new makeover by creating his new shape. ;)

This is all for now my beautiful people, time to eat dinner.
If you would like to read about my friendship with Juve HERE you can read about it.
Guaranteed to make you laugh for sure, especially the older blog posts.
Hoping to start spending more time with him so I can bring you more of
our fun and crazy moments together.

Over & Out!
Lori Novo

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