Everything Dances

“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances. ”
― Maya Angelou

He said, "Come, let us explore together beautiful places."
But any beautiful place can still feel incomplete sometimes.
When we combine the sense of sight with that of hearing, 
the experience and feeling can be raised to a higher level.
Listening to the perfect tune when exploring a beautiful location
can enrich the moment causing the experience to feel like a magical journey.

I always prepare before going out when visiting or exploring a new location
by having a song selected to get me in the perfect mood, especially when I go to Tempura
for a little Tai Chi. I want to make sure that during those moments I will be transported to a feeling
so beautifully unreal that it can only be found in my imagination.
Ummet Ozcan music is some of my favorite music to listen to while Tai Chi'ing. ;)

By the way, Steppenwolf started calling me his lil boo thang sometimes, you know, after the song...
He also gave me already an early Valentine's Day gift, an annual Second Life Premium Membership.
Thank you baby! Never in all my years in Second Life had I ever been premium.
I feel so special now. ;)

Time for my vitamin ZZzzzZZZ's.
But before I hit the pillow, I am sending a shout-out to Hulk.Kinhin (alexanderve) who kept me
company til my Steppenwolf showed up. Thank You Thank You Thank You.

Over & Out
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
.N X LELUTKA EVOX WAVE PART PONYTAIL (BLACK) ● Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe  Lips Piercing Jonna
-LD- Tinea Dress ● -XTC- Muliebris Tattoo ● N-core ANDRA Booties "Black"

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