I Was Born In The Rain


“There are a hundred things she has tried to chase away the things she won't remember
and that she can't even let herself think about
because that's when the birds scream and the worms crawl 
and somewhere in her mind it's always raining a slow and endless drizzle.
Ans now whenever it rains you will think of her. ”
― Neil Gaiman

I was born in the rain on the Pontchartrain
Underneath the Louisiana moon
I don't mind the strain of a hurricane, it comes around every June
The high black water, the devil's daughter
She's hard, and she's cold and she's mean
But nobody taught her, it takes a lot of water
To wash away New Orleans...

Hello Beautiful World!
I wish I was clever enough to write beautiful song lyrics that tell my story and can travel
deep inside to the heart. But I am not that clever, I am just a simple
girl that loves to write simple words and hope for the best. However, I am guilty of still trying 
to compose a song occasionally.

"We were beautiful once
just you and I against the world
we were strong together, we ruled our world.
Now I have died inside
and with me, I take our dreams and forever."

Those are some words I put together as the chorus for a hopefully, good song that I was inspired
to write down on a night I was feeling very heartbroken. At that moment I really felt it could be a good 
melody once I came up with the music for the lyrics I had written. But then a couple of days later, my heart
healed super fast so there was no need for such a song anymore. :P It is funny how sadness and pain
can inspire some of the most beautiful things to be written and created. And as I always say,
for some strange reason I find beauty in sadness and tears.
HERE for complete lyrics on the song I wrote.

But now let's turn our attention to my location.
We began with a beautiful quote, continued with a beautiful song, and now, the only way to
properly end this blog post is with a beautiful location.

this is

This beautiful sim is perfect for photographers and couples and provides rezzing rights to
group members with no fee to join the group. I was very happy when my Steppenwolf joined me
in exploring this beautiful sim, and after a while, we spent a sweet time cuddling. ;)
By the way, I loved the little animated sparrows that are with us in the above picture.
They reminded me of the Little Sparrow story that I wrote almost ten years ago. You can buy these 
cute little birds HERE in MP for 290L$ in case you are interested. I sure hope to buy them soon
for my garden. ;)

This is all for now my beautiful people. Please remember if you can to show some Linden love
during your visit. All big or small donations will be much appreciated.

Til next time, be kind to each other!
Much love,
Lori novo

Credits On Me
DOUX - Vanilla Hairstyle ● [BS] Solstice Blush (Evox) ● Country Necklace ~ DruWear ● KUNGLERS Loretta Rings
Cowboy Hat ~ Meva ● Wheat in Mouth ~ Persefona ● Baiastice_Button Up Shirt ● Tres Blah - Flared Jeans - Vintage

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