๐Ÿˆ A New Crib ๐Ÿˆ


Hello Second Life!
It's Super Bowl Sunday!
Just wanted to show you the house I selected as my free home given to me by LindenLabs.
It is just one of the many great benefits you get when you upgrade to premium membership.
I chose this particular home from the many home choices available for a few reasons...
First, I wanted a small house that had high ceilings and rooms not too small so I can move
my cam around without any difficulties. Second, loved the location so much. My home is on a hill
and it is green all around, with grass, trees, and pine trees. I also loved the neighborhood, beautiful
homes not at all crowded, and very peaceful.

Right after I got the new home, I was feeling very excited to start decorating, so I immediately
started packing a few items with the plan of spending a couple of hours fixing the place up.

However, I immediately came to a halt as soon as I stepped foot in.
The house walls were all white, not that I have a problem with white walls which would go great if
it was a beach area but not in the woods. I did give it a primer base coat which wasn't really necessary
since the walls were already white, but oh well, I am a perfectionist and I just want to ensure a
flawless paint job once the painting process begins. I really haven't decided which way to go
with the colors I want my walls to be. I love a mossy green so I can bring the outdoor feeling into
the home, but not really 100% sure yet.

Now let me take you upstairs to what will be the bedroom. Many ideas are going through my head of
how I will be decorating this room because I really want to make it very beautiful and special
for my Steppenwolf and me. We already had some fun last night (winks) in this new home even though
the house is completely empty, that is the magic of love and passion. ;) But anyway, I LOVE the view
from upstairs looking down at the bottom floor and that grand window that runs all the way from the
floor up to the ceiling. 

The bottom floor consists of three rooms.
The front has a big living area, and two rooms in the back, which I probably will turn into a kitchen/dining
area, and a study, but we'll see. This is the first time in years that I will be decorating a house that I
didn't build. Most of the homes Steppenwolf and I had lived together since we partnered I have built
for us. So this new place I take as a great new challenge to come out with the best I can do working
with the 300 prims that come with the house.

I love the outdoor part of our new home just as much as I love the inside.
It has enough space to make a beautiful garden where I will add the little animated sparrows that
Steppenwolf bought for me. Thank You Baby!

Now, don't think we are moving into this new house.
We love our beach home where we have been living for many years now and have plans to stay there
for many more. This will be just a home away from home where we can go spend some time just to
change scenery, though Steppenwolf is not very fond of the idea, the area, and especially the house. :P

Lori Novo: omg baby
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): yes?
Lori Novo: we have three houses now :)))
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): well one the other two are just freebies
Lori Novo: :P
Lori Novo: well yeah but still
Lori Novo: imagine how many ppl in SL wish they could have houses even if they are freebies
Lori Novo: they have to go to sandboxes to change clothes and open boxes
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): mmhmm
Lori Novo: so we are very lucky my baby
Lori Novo: baby
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): yes?
Lori Novo: I am gonna fix this house very nice and if I ever one of my friends is homeless
I'll lend them this house so they can live here
Lori Novo: until they can afford land
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): ok

I think that is a great idea, I never liked seeing any of my friends being homeless.
Once, many many years ago I sat a HUGE mansion on my land an invited six of my friends to come
live with me. It was such a beautiful time I tell you. My huge mansion was so alive, full of laughter and
good times. No matter what time I logged in to Second Life, I was sure to find people at my home,
a friend or more with their friends that they had invited over. I loved it!

This is all for now. Hope you are having a great Sunday and for those football fans,
finally, the Super Bowl LVIII tonight at Las Vegas between San Fransisco 49ers & Kansas City Chiefs.
I stand in a house divided between me and the rest of my family. I am a 49ers fan and the rest of them
are going for the Chiefs, we'll see! :P

Over & Out!
Much love,
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
TRUTH / Tangle Hair ● EVANI - Emi top [Mustard] ● Mug - Naomi Overalls - Gray

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