Somebunny Loves You


“How would your life be different if…
You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter?
Let today be the day…
You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.”
― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Let's begin the week with a great quote and a happy song. 

"Now I'm walking on sunshine
I'm walking on sunshine
I'm walking on sunshine
And it's starting to feel good, hey
All right now
And it's starting to feel good..."

Are we dancing or what?! :P
Shake those bones!

"I feel alive, I feel a love
I feel a love that's really real
I feel alive, I feel a love
I feel a love that's really real
I'm on sunshine, baby
I'm on sunshine, baby..."

The sun is shining even though it is a bit coldish and I can hear the birds singing outside.
What a beautiful way to start the new week and happy and eager to see what this new week 
has in store for me. OMG I can't wait!
The other day I noticed one of my daughter's latest posts on her social media where she had posted
her picture where she is smiling so beautifully and she had written four little words underneath the photo that said...
"I love my life!"
As a mother, you can just imagine my joy in reading those words. Her words were so powerful to me
that I haven't been able to stop smiling since that day.
ah, and let live, just like today's quote says that we must respect other people's journey
without judgment. Just feel the love for life and everything else will fall into its perfect place,
including the acceptance for others, and understanding that we are all different
and that is what makes all super special in this world.

But who's this somebunny that loves you?
Umm, let's see...
Maybe the neighbor, or, the mailman, or... ME?
Choose one. :P

Well, this somebunny loves bunnies too. These are our two bunnies Peanut and Coco who like to sunbathe in our front yard. They are really not our only pets, we do have many others that roam
around our land. I love animals and through my whole life (real) I have had as pets
a chicken, a squirrel, a white rat, two spiders, fish, three dogs, birds, a small rooster, a lizard,
and a lot of cats. Cats are definitely my favorite animal. 

Time to go for now and stretch my legs, maybe go to the park for a walk and greet every single person
I run into them and wish them a beautiful day. Til next time keep smiling.

Much love,
Lori Novo

"I'm walking on sunshine
And it's starting to feel good, hey
All right now
And it's starting to feel good..."

Credits On Me
RIOT / Primrose Blouse - Pattern - Bunnies ● SEUL - Charlie Corduroy Set - Nude

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