“Forgiving is not about forgetting the old story.
It's about giving yourself a chance to write a new story.”
― Chris Linnares
Hello Beautiful Second Life!
I do admit, I can forgive but I can't forget.
By this, I do not mean I will constantly dwell on the negative and hurtful things I have experienced.
While it is easy for me to forgive since I don't like holding on to negative feelings
and all the bitterness this can add to my life,
forgetting is a different story.
Not forgetting is a way of protecting my peace and heart from hurtful people
and not letting them hurt me or use me again.
Yes, I do keep a private tab in my mind of those who have truly hurt me in the past.
I can honestly say I do not hold any ill feelings against them.
It is more of a feeling of sadness.
Somehow, the tab stays closed and forgotten since life is too beautiful
to waste by going back and remembering those people and their wrongdoings.
I prefer to move forward with a clear mind to new positive and beautiful moments.
Now, whenever one of those people that are in my tab happens to reappear in my life,
the tab will instantly open.
I will greet them cautiously, especially when they are one of the "repeatable offenders".
One can only give so many chances to redeem themselves and work at earning my trust back,
which is a very hard thing to do and in some cases impossible.
I however do believe in giving second chances, even third.
In the past I have gone on and beyond what was necessary to try and save a friendship,
something that obviously doesn't usually work.
I know this kind of contradicts my entry statement about keeping tabs on the people
who have hurt me and are not allowed to come back into my life.
But what can I say,
there have been those to whom I agreed to give a second chance and even a third one,
with hopes of saving our friendship.
Sadly, too often friendships can't be saved no matter how much we want them to.
We must understand that we have no control over people who are hurtful
and don't know how to be respectful of others.
And we also have no control over the drama they can add to our lives.
But what we have control over is the type of people we allow to enter into our lives,
and even more, stay in them.
Our lives are our sanctuary,
no one with unkind thoughts and actions against us should be allowed to come in
and disrupt our happiness and peace.
AMEN to that!
Thanks For Reading, Have A Beautiful Day!
Much love,
Lori Novo
[Aleutia] Thalia Skirt (Right) #3 Gacha ● Location: Endless: Antipodes (Moderate) ● WLS: Nacon's Rosy Morning
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