May Peace Be With You

Wake up each day
With a clean heart
Renewed mind
an inspiration to succeed.

Hello Beautiful World!
I come to you today on this beautiful day feeling totally consumed by such an unexplainable beautiful
peace. I can feel it all around me, like warm rays of sunshine. Like soft raindrops on my skin.
I feel very much loved, which is the most wonderful feeling to have.

I've been smiling all day long, and I can't stop.
I don't want to stop.

May the peace and happiness that I am feeling spread and reach you wherever you are.
And may love be the biggest feeling occupying your heart leaving no room for any negative feelings
to come in and disrupt your peace and happiness.

Lori Novo

Credits On Me
WINGS-HAIR-EF0208 Blondes & Reds
KUNGLERS - Diandra Set (Earrings)
KUNGLERS - Carissa Bracelets
-Zielony- 001 Eye Makeup (Lel EvoX) #5
:: pm :: Jayden Set
Model & Photographer: Lori Novo

:: pm :: Jayden Set
Jayden is a set of top and trousers embellished with multiple rows of pearls.
Use the HUD to customize your favorite style for the top, choose from loaded with pearls to a simple
open front corset. Mix and match each part available in the MegaPack.

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