At The Bottom Of Some Memory

"If you don't come back
All the seas will dry up
And I will wait without you
Walled up at the bottom of some memory

If you don't come back
My will will become small
I will stay here
With my dog ​​spying horizons

If you don't come back
There will be nothing left but deserts
And I will listen if there's
some beat left for this earth

That I was so serene when you loved me
There was a fresh perfume that I breathed
It was so pretty, was that big
And it had no end
And every night a star will come to keep me company
Let me tell you how I am and you know what there is

Tell me love, love, love, I'm here, can't you see?

If you don't come back there will be no life, I don't know what I will do
If you don't come back
There will be no hope and there will be nothing

I will walk without you
With my sadness drinking rain
That I was so serene when you loved me
There was a fresh perfume that I breathed

Tell me love, love, love, I'm here, can't you see?
If you don't come back there will be no life, I don't know what I will do..."

Just a song, nothing more.
A song that I love so much and thought I shared with you.
Here with my dog Sunny chasing waves and collecting seashells at Florence (Moderate).
And with each pretty seashell picked up, a wish was made...
Hope you all are having a joyous day, Happy Monday Everyone!

Credits On Me
Sintiklia - Hair Rylee ● RAWR! Wren Bracelets ● ::Sequoia:: Sincere Blue Eye Set
:: pm :: Brianna Dress ● Model & Photographer: Lori Novo

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