JUMO'S Group Gift (Free Group Join til July 30th)

Skin *NEW ~ LilyRose (GROUP GIFT) DetailsJumo
Hair ~ Britney ~ Phoenix
Eyes ~ au natural (Pack 2 - Brown) ~ e.marie
Flowers ~ Philadelphus Wreath (Light Pink) Gacha ~ Lode
Top ~ Wilah ~ PurpleMoon Creations
Shorts ~ Juan Shorts (Slate) ~ United Colors
Catwa Head
Maitreya Mesh Body 
Model & Photographer Lori Novo

Thanks for your visit my beautiful people
and to my wonderful sponsors for their kind support!
Mucho Love,
Lori Novo

Designer Jumo Monteiro
Designer Chirzaka Vlodovic
Designer Poulet KoenKamp

LilyRose (Catwa) ~ JUMO

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of these webpages dedicated to sponsor all these shops around second life. Instead of showing REALL FREE stuff, you make us go from store to store to find out that those free stuff weren't free, you have to pay sometimes almost $200L to grab it.
    So FU!.
    I'm done with your silly ridiculous sponsored posts.
    PS: AND YOU ALL AREN'T EVEN ORIGINAL!!! 99% OF ALL HEADS ARE CATWA! it is horrible! all lips look the same, no matter what kind of shape or head model! all duck like, they are horrible!!
    There are A LOT of other mesh head that are out there and you all insist in sponsor this shit. FU again!.
